Илья Власов
Илья Власов
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Fatigue life improvement of 12Cr1МoV steel by irradiation with Zr+ ion beam
SV Panin, IV Vlasov, VP Sergeev, PO Maruschak, R Sunder, BB Ovechkin
International Journal of Fatigue 76, 3-10, 2015
Effect of operating degradation in arctic conditions on physical and mechanical properties of 09Mn2Si pipeline steel
SV Panin, PO Maruschak, IV Vlasov, AS Syromyatnikova, AM Bolshakov, ...
Procedia Engineering 178, 597-603, 2017
Impact toughness of 12Cr1MoV steel. Part 1–Influence of temperature on energy and deformation parameters of fracture
SV Panin, PO Maruschak, IV Vlasov, BB Ovechkin
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 83, 105-113, 2016
Structural and mechanical defects of materials of offshore and onshore main gas pipelines after long-term operation
P Maruschak, S Panin, I Danyliuk, L Poberezhnyi, T Pyrig, R Bishchak, ...
Open Engineering 5 (1), 2015
Impact toughness of 12Cr1MoV steel. Part 2–Influence of high intensity ion beam irradiation on energy and deformation parameters and mechanisms of fracture
SV Panin, PO Maruschak, IV Vlasov, VP Sergeev, BB Ovechkin, ...
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 83, 82-92, 2016
Effect of nanoscale mesoscopic structural states associated with lattice curvature on the mechanical behavior of Fe-Cr-Mn austenitic steel
VE Panin, NS Surikova, SV Panin, AR Shugurov, IV Vlasov
Physical Mesomechanics 22, 382-391, 2019
Impact of electron beam surface modification on deformation behavior and fracture properties of TiNi shape memory alloy
SN Meisner, IV Vlasov, EV Yakovlev, SV Panin, LL Meisner, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 740, 381-389, 2019
The role of notch tip shape and radius on deformation mechanisms of 12Cr1MoV steel under impact loading. Part 1. Energy parameters of fracture
SV Panin, PO Maruschak, IV Vlasov, DD Moiseenko, F Berto, ...
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 40 (4), 586-596, 2017
Structural levels of fatigue failure and damage estimation in 17Mn1Si steel on the basis of a multilevel approach of physical mesomechanics
PO Maruschak, SV Panin, F Stachowicz, IM Danyliuk, IV Vlasov, ...
Acta Mechanica 227, 151-157, 2016
Influence of long-term cold climate operation on structure, fatigue durability and impact toughness of 09Mn2Si pipe steel
SV Panin, IV Vlasov, PO Maruschak, AV Eremin, F Berto, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 102, 87-101, 2019
Влияние наномасштабных мезоскопических структурных состояний, связанных с кривизной кристаллической решетки, на механическое поведение Fe–Cr–Mn аустенитной стали
ВЕ Панин, НС Сурикова, СВ Панин, АР Шугуров, ИВ Власов
Физическая мезомеханика 22 (3), 5-14, 2019
Influence of energy dissipation at the interphase boundaries on impact fracture behaviour of a plain carbon steel
SV Panin, DD Moiseenko, PV Maksimov, IV Vlasov, AV Byakov, ...
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 97, 478-499, 2018
Study of deformation and fracture of ZrO2+ 3% Y2O3 ceramics by wedge splitting of a chevron-notched specimen
EE Deryugin, S Schmauder, VE Panin, MO Eremin, IV Vlasov, ...
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 218, 106573, 2019
Grain boundary sliding and rotational mechanisms of intragranular deformation at different creep stages of high-purity aluminum polycrystals at various temperatures and stresses
VE Panin, NS Surikova, TF Elsukova, IV Vlasov, DV Borisyuk
Materials Science and Engineering: A 733, 276-284, 2018
Structural levels of the nucleation and growth of fatigue crack in 17Mn1Si steel pipeline after long-term service
P Maruschak, S Panin, I Vlasov, O Prentkovskis, I Danyliuk
Transport 30 (1), 15-23, 2015
Structure and mechanical properties of nitrogen austenitic steel after ultrasonic forging
NA Narkevich, AI Tolmachev, IV Vlasov, NS Surikova
The Physics of Metals and Metallography 117, 288-294, 2016
Effect of ultrasonic forging strain processing on the surface layer microstructure and temperature-dependent mechanical properties of high nitrogen austenitic steel
NA Narkevich, EE Deryugin, OB Perevalova, IV Vlasov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 834, 142590, 2022
Influence of curvature and cross-sectional shape of cylindrical surface formed by turning on its roughness
P Kryvyi, V Dzyura, P Maruschak, S Panin, O Lyashuk, I Vlasov
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45, 5615-5622, 2020
Multiscale Mechanism of Fatigue Fracture of Ti—6A1-4V Titanium Alloy within the Mesomechanical Space-Time-Energy Approach
VE Panin, NS Surikova, AM Lider, YS Bordulev, BB Ovechkin, ...
Physical Mesomechanics 21, 452-463, 2018
Fatigue life enhancement by irradiation of 12Cr1MoV steel with a Zr+ ion beam. Mesoscale deformation and fracture
SV Panin, IV Vlasov, VP Sergeev, BB Ovechkin, PO Marushchak, ...
Physical Mesomechanics 18, 261-272, 2015
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Articles 1–20