Patrick Zulian
Cited by
Cited by
Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow in three-dimensional fractured porous media
I Berre, WM Boon, B Flemisch, A Fumagalli, D Gläser, E Keilegavlen, ...
Advances in Water Resources 147, 103759, 2021
A parallel approach to the variational transfer of discrete fields between arbitrarily distributed unstructured finite element meshes
R Krause, P Zulian
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (3), C307-C333, 2016
3D non-conforming mesh model for flow in fractured porous media using Lagrange multipliers
P Schädle, P Zulian, D Vogler, SR Bhopalam, MGC Nestola, A Ebigbo, ...
Computers & Geosciences 132, 42-55, 2019
An immersed boundary method for fluid-structure interaction based on variational transfer
MGC Nestola, B Becsek, H Zolfaghari, P Zulian, D De Marinis, R Krause, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 398, 108884, 2019
OpenCL based parallel algorithm for RBF-PUM interpolation
R Cavoretto, T Schneider, P Zulian
Journal of Scientific Computing 74 (1), 267-289, 2018
Utopia: A C++ embedded domain specific language for scientific computing. Git repository
P Zulian, A Kopanicáková, MCG Nestola, A Fink, N Fadel, V Magri, ...
Scalable hierarchical PDE sampler for generating spatially correlated random fields using nonmatching meshes
S Osborn, P Zulian, T Benson, U Villa, R Krause, PS Vassilevski
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 25 (3), e2146, 2018
Large scale simulation of pressure induced phase-field fracture propagation using Utopia
P Zulian, A Kopaničáková, MGC Nestola, A Fink, NA Fadel, ...
CCF transactions on high performance computing 3 (4), 407-426, 2021
Scalable matrix-free solver for 3D transfer of polarized radiation in stellar atmospheres
P Benedusi, S Riva, P Zulian, J Štěpán, L Belluzzi, R Krause
Journal of computational physics 479, 112013, 2023
Variational parallel information transfer between unstructured grids in geophysics-applications and solutions methods
C Planta, D Vogler, M Nestola, P Zulian, R Krause
PROCEEDINGS, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, CA …, 2018
Fully coupled dynamic simulations of bioprosthetic aortic valves based on an embedded strategy for fluid–structure interaction with contact
MGC Nestola, P Zulian, L Gaedke-Merzhäuser, R Krause
EP Europace 23 (Supplement_1), i96-i104, 2021
Comparison and application of non-conforming mesh models for flow in fractured porous media using dual Lagrange multipliers
P Zulian, P Schädle, L Karagyaur, MGC Nestola
Journal of Computational Physics 449, 110773, 2022
Contact between rough rock surfaces using a dual mortar method
C von Planta, D Vogler, P Zulian, MO Saar, R Krause
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 133, 104414, 2020
Solution of contact problems between rough body surfaces with non matching meshes using a parallel mortar method
C von Planta, D Vogler, P Zulian, MO Saar, R Krause
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02914, 2018
Parametric finite elements with bijective mappings
P Zulian, T Schneider, K Hormann, R Krause
BIT Numerical Mathematics 57, 1185-1203, 2017
ParMOONoLith: parallel intersection detection and automatic load-balancing library. Git repository
P Zulian
An immersed boundary method for fluid-structure interaction based on overlapping domain decomposition
MGC Nestola, B Becsek, H Zolfaghari, P Zulian, D De Marinis, R Krause, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.13046, 2018
An immersed boundary method based on the variational l2-projection approach
M Nestola, BEM Becsek, H Zolfaghari, P Zulian, R Krause, D Obrist
Space-time multilevel Monte Carlo methods and their application to cardiac electrophysiology
SB Bader, P Benedusi, A Quaglino, P Zulian, R Krause
Journal of computational physics 433, 110164, 2021
Geometry–aware finite element framework for multi–physics simulations
P Zulian
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Articles 1–20