Levan Mumladze
Levan Mumladze
Institute of Zoology, Tbilisi; Ilia State University, Tbilisi;
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене iliauni.edu.ge
A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity research
A Maasri, SC Jähnig, MC Adamescu, R Adrian, C Baigun, DJ Baird, ...
Ecology Letters 25 (2), 255-263, 2022
Palaeoclimatic models help to understand current distribution of Caucasian forest species
D Tarkhnishvili, A Gavashelishvili, L Mumladze
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 105 (1), 231-248, 2012
A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions
L Vilizzi, GH Copp, JE Hill, B Adamovich, L Aislabie, D Akin, AJ Al-Faisal, ...
Science of the Total Environment 788, 147868, 2021
Speaking their language–development of a multilingual decision-support tool for communicating invasive species risks to decision makers and stakeholders
GH Copp, L Vilizzi, H Wei, S Li, M Piria, AJ Al-Faisal, D Almeida, U Atique, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 135, 104900, 2021
Unisexual rock lizard might be outcompeting its bisexual progenitors in the Caucasus
D Tarkhnishvili, A Gavashelishvili, A Avaliani, M Murtskhvaladze, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 101 (2), 447-460, 2010
Annotated checklist of Georgian oribatid mites
M Murvanidze, L Mumladze
Zootaxa 4089 (1), 1-81, 2016
Annotated list of invertebrates of the Georgian karst caves
S Barjadze, M Murvanidze, T Arabuli, L Mumladze, V Pkhakadze, ...
Georgian Academic Books, 2015
Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
T Kuljanishvili, G Epitashvili, J Freyhof, B Japoshvili, L Kalous, B Levin, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2020
Oribatid mite communities along an elevational gradient in Sairme gorge (Caucasus)
L Mumladze, M Murvanidze, M Maraun, M Salakaia
Experimental and Applied Acarology 66, 41-51, 2015
Forest snail faunas from Georgian Transcaucasia: patterns of diversity in a Pleistocene refugium
BM Pokryszko, RAD Cameron, L Mumladze, D Tarkhnishvili
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102 (2), 239-250, 2011
Phylogeny, phylogeography and hybridization of Caucasian barbels of the genus Barbus (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae)
BA Levin, AA Gandlin, ES Simonov, MA Levina, AE Barmintseva, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2019
Compositional patterns in Holarcticpeat bog inhabiting oribatid mite (Acari: Oribatida) communities
L Mumladze, M Murvanidze, V Behan-Pelletier
Pedobiologia 55 (1), 41-48, 2013
Parthenogenetic vs. sexual reproduction in oribatid mite communities
M Maraun, T Caruso, J Hense, R Lehmitz, L Mumladze, M Murvanidze, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (12), 7324-7332, 2019
Faunal biodiversity research in the Republic of Georgia: a short review of trends, gaps, and needs in the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot
L Mumladze, B Japoshvili, EP Anderson
Biologia 75 (9), 1385–1397, 2020
Oribatid mite colonization of sand and manganese tailing sites
M Murvanidze, L Mmumladze, T Arabuli, E Kvavadze
Acarologia 53 (2), 203-215, 2013
Agrafia Szarowska et Falniowski, 2011 (Caenogastropoda: Hydrobiidae) in the Caucasus
J Grego, S Hofman, L Mumladze, A Falniowski
Folia Malacologica 25 (4), 2017
Biogeography of the land snails of the Caucasus region
F Walther, P Kijashko, L Harutyunova, L Mumladze, MT Neiber, ...
Tentacle 22, 3-5, 2014
Beyond elevation: testing the climatic variability hypothesis vs. Rapoport’s rule in vascular plant and snail species in the Caucasus
L Mumladze, Z Asanidze, F Walther, B Hausdorf
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017
Georgian biodiversity database
D Tarkhnishvili, G Chaladze, G A, J Z, M L
Towards retrieving the Promethean treasure: a first molecular assessment of the freshwater fish diversity of Georgia
G Epitashvili, M Geiger, JJ Astrin, F Herder, B Japoshvili, L Mumladze
Biodiversity Data Journal 8, 2020
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