Hou-Man Chin
Cited by
Cited by
Practical continuous-variable quantum key distribution with composable security
N Jain, HM Chin, H Mani, C Lupo, DS Nikolic, A Kordts, S Pirandola, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 4740, 2022
Machine learning aided carrier recovery in continuous-variable quantum key distribution
HM Chin, N Jain, D Zibar, UL Andersen, T Gehring
npj Quantum Information 7 (1), 20, 2021
Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution over 100-km fiber with local local oscillator
AAE Hajomer, I Derkach, N Jain, HM Chin, UL Andersen, T Gehring
Science Advances 10 (1), eadi9474, 2024
Probabilistic design of optical transmission systems
HM Chin, D Charlton, A Borowiec, M Reimer, C Laperle, M O’Sullivan, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (4), 931-940, 2017
Modulation leakage vulnerability in continuous-variable quantum key distribution
N Jain, I Derkach, HM Chin, R Filip, UL Andersen, VC Usenko, T Gehring
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (4), 045001, 2021
Digital synchronization for continuous-variable quantum key distribution
HM Chin, N Jain, UL Andersen, D Zibar, T Gehring
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (4), 045006, 2022
Modulation leakage-free continuous-variable quantum key distribution
AAE Hajomer, N Jain, H Mani, HM Chin, UL Andersen, T Gehring
npj Quantum Information 8 (1), 136, 2022
Single channel probe utilizing the EGN model to estimate link parameters for network abstraction
DJ Ives, HM Chin, FJV Caballero, SJ Savory
2017 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-3, 2017
Highly-sensitive phase and frequency noise measurement technique using bayesian filtering
D Zibar, HM Chin, Y Tong, N Jain, J Guo, L Chang, T Gehring, JE Bowers, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31 (23), 1866-1869, 2019
Volterra based nonlinear compensation on 224 Gb/s PolMux-16QAM optical fibre link
HM Chin, J Mårtensson, M Forzati
OFC/NFOEC, 1-3, 2012
Machine learning based joint polarization and phase compensation for CV-QKD
HM Chin, AAE Hajomer, N Jain, UL Andersen, T Gehring
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th3J. 2, 2023
Experimental investigation of the impact of distributed link PDL on a coherent transmission system
HM Chin, D Charlton, A Borowiec, C Laperle, M Reimer, M O'Sullivan, ...
ECOC 2016; 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-3, 2016
Continuous-variable quantum key distribution over 60 km optical fiber with real local oscillator
AAE Hajomer, H Mani, N Jain, HM Chin, UL Andersen, T Gehring
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, Th1G. 5, 2022
qTReX: A semi-autonomous continuous-variable quantum key distribution system
N Jain, HM Chin, H Mani, E Bidstrup, UL Andersen, T Gehring
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, M3Z. 2, 2022
Fast Optical Spectrum Estimation Using a Digital Coherent Receiver
HM Chin, K Shi, R Maher, M Paskov, B Thomsen, S Savory
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC), 2013
Machine learning aided carrier recovery in continuous-variable quantum key distribution. npj Quantum Inf
HM Chin, N Jain, D Zibar, UL Andersen, T Gehring
Advancing classical and quantum communication systems with machine learning
D Zibar, UC Moura, HM Chin, AMR Brusin, N Jain, F Da Ros, S Kleis, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W1K. 1, 2020
Probabilistic design of nonlinear optical transmission systems
SJ Savory, HM Chin
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th3D. 4, 2016
The Effect of Intra-link Power Perturbations on Channel Performance
HM Chin, BC Thomsen, SJ Savory
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications, 2015
Phase Compensation for Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution
HM Chin, D Zibar, N Jain, T Gehring, UL Andersen
Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, 2019
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Articles 1–20