Elena Lazovik
Elena Lazovik
Senior Specialist Scientist, TNO
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене tno.nl
Dynamically scaling apache storm for the analysis of streaming data
JS Van Der Veen, B Van Der Waaij, E Lazovik, W Wijbrandi, RJ Meijer
2015 IEEE First International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and …, 2015
Services inside the smart home: A simulation and visualization tool
E Lazovik, P Den Dulk, M De Groote, A Lazovik, M Aiello
Service-Oriented Computing: 7th International Joint Conference, ICSOC …, 2009
Planning in a smart home: visualization and simulation
A Lazovik, E Kaldeli, E Lazovik, M Aiello
Application Showcase Proceedings of the 19th (ICAPS) Int. Conf. Automated …, 2009
Digital twin challenges in biodiversity modelling
A Trantas, R Plug, P Pileggi, E Lazovik
Ecological Informatics, 102357, 2023
Lifecycle governance for effective digital twins: a joint systems engineering and IT perspective
P Pileggi, E Lazovik, J Broekhuijsen, M Borth, J Verriet
2020 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 1-8, 2020
Risk Assessment
V Svalova
IntechOpen, 2018
Deployment strategies for distributed applications on cloud computing infrastructures
JS Van der Veen, E Lazovik, MX Makkes, RJ Meijer
2013 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2013
A lesson on operationalizing machine learning for predictive maintenance of gas turbines
P Pileggi, E Lazovik, R Snijders, LU Axelsson, S Drost, G Martinelli, ...
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 84966, V004T05A006, 2021
Runtime modifications of spark data processing pipelines
E Lazovik, M Medema, T Albers, E Langius, A Lazovik
2017 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), 34-45, 2017
Adaptive on-the-fly changes in distributed processing pipelines
T Albers, E Lazovik, M Hadadian Nejad Yousefi, A Lazovik
Frontiers in big Data 4, 666174, 2021
Towards Self-Learning Energy Management for Optimal PHEV Operation Around Zero Emission Zones
F Kupper, PR Mentink, N Meima, E Lazovik, S Wilkins, FPT Willems
SAE Technical Papers 2022, 2022
Differential subsidence and its effect on subsurface infrastructure: Predicting probability of pipeline failure (STOOP project)
R de Bruijn, W Dabekaussen, M Hijma, A Wiersma, L Abspoel-Bukman, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15924, 2017
Uncertainty Quantification for Metamodels
M Okánik, A Trantas, MP de Bakker, E Lazovik
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 230, 1-30, 2024
A Taxonomy for Workload Deployment Orchestration in the Edge-Cloud Continuum
HB Toon Albers, Mattia Fogli, Edwin Harmsma, Elena Lazovik
ESOCC 2023, 2023
LV Grid state estimation using local flexible assets: A Federated Learning approach
EL S. Causevic, S. Sharma, S. ben Aziza, A. vand er Veen
CIRED 2023, 2023
LV grid state estimation using local flexible assets: a federated learning approach
S Čaušević, S Sharma, SB Aziza, A van der Veen, E Lazovik
IET Digital Library, 2023
CO-ARCH: Methodology for COllaborative ARCHitectures for Cross-organizational Data Analysis
BD Van Der Waaij, E Lazovik, T Albers, MR Vonder
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization 10 (1), 2020
ECiDA: Evolutionary Changes in Data Analysis
F Blaauw, R Overbeek, T Albers, J Vlek, M Maessen, J Gooijer, E Lazovik, ...
ICT. Open, 2019
Practical Propagation of Trust in Risk Management Systems
K Helmholt, M Vonder, B Van Der Waaij, E Lazovik, N Neumann
Risk Assessment, 2017
The Flexigas simulator: a decision support system for planning of flexible biogas chains
WE Wijbrandi, G Azzopardi, E Lazovik, F Pierie
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