Paolo Celli
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Bandgap widening by disorder in rainbow metamaterials
P Celli, B Yousefzadeh, C Daraio, S Gonella
Applied Physics Letters 114 (9), 091903, 2019
Shape-morphing architected sheets with non-periodic cut patterns
P Celli, C McMahan, B Ramirez, A Bauhofer, C Naify, D Hofmann, ...
Soft matter 14 (48), 9744-9749, 2018
Tunable directivity in metamaterials with reconfigurable cell symmetry
P Celli, S Gonella
Applied Physics Letters 106 (9), 2015
Manipulating waves by distilling frequencies: a tunable shunt-enabled rainbow trap
D Cardella, P Celli, S Gonella
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (8), 085017, 2016
Manipulating waves with LEGOŽ bricks: A versatile experimental platform for metamaterial architectures
P Celli, S Gonella
Applied Physics Letters 107 (8), 2015
Surface wave non-reciprocity via time-modulated metamaterials
A Palermo, P Celli, B Yousefzadeh, C Daraio, A Marzani
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 145, 104181, 2020
Low-frequency spatial wave manipulation via phononic crystals with relaxed cell symmetry
P Celli, S Gonella
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (10), 2014
Wave control through soft microstructural curling: bandgap shifting, reconfigurable anisotropy and switchable chirality
P Celli, S Gonella, V Tajeddini, A Muliana, S Ahmed, Z Ounaies
Smart Materials and Structures 26 (3), 035001, 2017
Laser-enabled experimental wavefield reconstruction in two-dimensional phononic crystals
P Celli, S Gonella
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (1), 114-123, 2014
Continuum field theory for the deformations of planar kirigami
Y Zheng, I Niloy, P Celli, I Tobasco, P Plucinsky
Physical Review Letters 128 (20), 208003, 2022
Temperature-induced shape morphing of bi-metallic structures
S Taniker, P Celli, D Pasini, DC Hofmann, C Daraio
International Journal of Solids and Structures 190, 22-32, 2020
A Flexible Spiraling‐Metasurface as a Versatile Haptic Interface
OR Bilal, V Costanza, A Israr, A Palermo, P Celli, F Lau, C Daraio
Advanced Materials Technologies 5 (8), 2000181, 2020
Tuning of Surface-Acoustic-Wave Dispersion via Magnetically Modulated Contact Resonances
A Palermo, Y Wang, P Celli, C Daraio
Physical Review Applied 11 (4), 044057, 2019
Prestrain-induced bandgap tuning in 3D-printed tensegrity-inspired lattice structures
K Pajunen, P Celli, C Daraio
Extreme Mechanics Letters, 101236, 2021
Pathway towards programmable wave anisotropy in cellular metamaterials
P Celli, W Zhang, S Gonella
Physical Review Applied 9 (1), 014014, 2018
Modelling planar kirigami metamaterials as generalized elastic continua
Y Zheng, I Niloy, I Tobasco, P Celli, P Plucinsky
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479 (2272), 20220665, 2023
Compliant morphing structures from twisted bulk metallic glass ribbons
P Celli, A Lamaro, C McMahan, P Bordeenithikasem, D Hofmann, ...
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 145, 104129, 2020
Effective continuum models for the buckling of non-periodic architected sheets that display quasi-mechanism behaviors
C McMahan, A Akerson, P Celli, B Audoly, C Daraio
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 166, 104934, 2022
Poroelastic microlattices for underwater wave focusing
G Kim, CM Portela, P Celli, A Palermo, C Daraio
Extreme Mechanics Letters 49, 101499, 2021
Programming bistability in geometrically perturbed mechanical metamaterials
Y Peng, I Niloy, M Kam, P Celli, P Plucinsky
Physical Review Applied 22 (1), 014073, 2024
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Articles 1–20