Wesley Thompson
Wesley Thompson
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Genome-wide association analyses identify 44 risk variants and refine the genetic architecture of major depression
NR Wray, S Ripke, M Mattheisen, M Trzaskowski, EM Byrne, A Abdellaoui, ...
Nature genetics 50 (5), 668-681, 2018
Large-scale exome sequencing study implicates both developmental and functional changes in the neurobiology of autism
FK Satterstrom, JA Kosmicki, J Wang, MS Breen, S De Rubeis, JY An, ...
Cell 180 (3), 568-584. e23, 2020
Reproducible brain-wide association studies require thousands of individuals
S Marek, B Tervo-Clemmens, FJ Calabro, DF Montez, BP Kay, ...
Nature 603 (7902), 654-660, 2022
Recruiting the ABCD sample: Design considerations and procedures
H Garavan, H Bartsch, K Conway, A Decastro, RZ Goldstein, S Heeringa, ...
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 32, 16-22, 2018
Increased amygdala and decreased dorsolateral prefrontal BOLD responses in unipolar depression: related and independent features
GJ Siegle, W Thompson, CS Carter, SR Steinhauer, ME Thase
Biological psychiatry 61 (2), 198-209, 2007
Two-year outcomes for interpersonal and social rhythm therapy in individuals with bipolar I disorder
E Frank, DJ Kupfer, ME Thase, AG Mallinger, HA Swartz, AM Fagiolini, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 62 (9), 996-1004, 2005
Image processing and analysis methods for the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study
DJ Hagler Jr, SN Hatton, MD Cornejo, C Makowski, DA Fair, AS Dick, ...
Neuroimage 202, 116091, 2019
Association between older age and more successful aging: critical role of resilience and depression
DV Jeste, GN Savla, WK Thompson, IV Vahia, DK Glorioso, AS Martin, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 170 (2), 188-196, 2013
Assessment of bidirectional relationships between physical activity and depression among adults: a 2-sample Mendelian randomization study
KW Choi, CY Chen, MB Stein, YC Klimentidis, MJ Wang, KC Koenen, ...
JAMA psychiatry 76 (4), 399-408, 2019
International meta-analysis of PTSD genome-wide association studies identifies sex-and ancestry-specific genetic risk loci
CM Nievergelt, AX Maihofer, T Klengel, EG Atkinson, CY Chen, KW Choi, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4558, 2019
Improved detection of common variants associated with schizophrenia by leveraging pleiotropy with cardiovascular-disease risk factors
OA Andreassen, S Djurovic, WK Thompson, AJ Schork, KS Kendler, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 92 (2), 197-209, 2013
Dense genotyping of immune-related disease regions identifies nine new risk loci for primary sclerosing cholangitis
JZ Liu, JR Hov, T Folseraas, E Ellinghaus, SM Rushbrook, NT Doncheva, ...
Nature genetics 45 (6), 670-675, 2013
Genetic assessment of age-associated Alzheimer disease risk: Development and validation of a polygenic hazard score
RS Desikan, CC Fan, Y Wang, AJ Schork, HJ Cabral, LA Cupples, ...
PLoS medicine 14 (3), e1002258, 2017
Improved detection of common variants associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder using pleiotropy-informed conditional false discovery rate
OA Andreassen, WK Thompson, AJ Schork, S Ripke, M Mattingsdal, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (4), e1003455, 2013
Daytime symptoms in primary insomnia: a prospective analysis using ecological momentary assessment
DJ Buysse, W Thompson, J Scott, PL Franzen, A Germain, M Hall, ...
Sleep medicine 8 (3), 198-208, 2007
All SNPs are not created equal: genome-wide association studies reveal a consistent pattern of enrichment among functionally annotated SNPs
AJ Schork, WK Thompson, P Pham, A Torkamani, JC Roddey, PF Sullivan, ...
PLoS genetics 9 (4), e1003449, 2013
Hierarchical genetic organization of human cortical surface area
CH Chen, ED Gutierrez, W Thompson, MS Panizzon, TL Jernigan, ...
Science 335 (6076), 1634-1636, 2012
Meta-analysis identifies five novel loci associated with endometriosis highlighting key genes involved in hormone metabolism
Y Sapkota, V Steinthorsdottir, AP Morris, A Fassbender, N Rahmioglu, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15539, 2017
Genome-wide pleiotropy between Parkinson disease and autoimmune diseases
A Witoelar, IE Jansen, Y Wang, RS Desikan, JR Gibbs, C Blauwendraat, ...
JAMA neurology 74 (7), 780-792, 2017
The pediatric imaging, neurocognition, and genetics (PING) data repository
TL Jernigan, TT Brown, DJ Hagler Jr, N Akshoomoff, H Bartsch, ...
Neuroimage 124, 1149-1154, 2016
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Articles 1–20