Hai Liang
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Cited by
Using Twitter for public health surveillance from monitoring and prediction to public response
SE Jordan, SE Hovet, ICH Fung, H Liang, KW Fu, ZTH Tse
Data 4 (1), 6, 2018
How people react to Zika virus outbreaks on Twitter? A computational content analysis
KW Fu, H Liang, N Saroha, ZTH Tse, P Ip, ICH Fung
American journal of infection control 44 (12), 1700-1702, 2016
Sentiment, contents, and retweets: A study of two vaccine-related twitter datasets
EB Blankenship, ME Goff, J Yin, ZTH Tse, KW Fu, H Liang, N Saroha, ...
The Permanente Journal 22, 2018
Public health implications of image-based social media: A systematic review of Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Flickr
ICH Fung, EB Blankenship, JO Ahweyevu, LK Cooper, CH Duke, ...
The Permanente Journal 24, 2020
How did Ebola information spread on Twitter: Broadcasting or viral spreading?
H Liang, ICH Fung, ZTH Tse, J Yin, CH Chan, LE Pechta, BJ Smith, ...
BMC public health 19 (1), 1-11, 2019
Information overload, similarity, and redundancy: Unsubscribing information sources on Twitter
H Liang, K Fu
Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 22 (1), 1-17, 2017
Affordances, movement dynamics, and a centralized digital communication platform in a networked movement
FLF Lee, H Liang, EW Cheng, GKY Tang, S Yuen
Information, Communication & Society 25 (12), 1699-1716, 2022
Privacy protection and self-disclosure across societies: A study of global twitter users
H Liang, F Shen, K Fu
new media & society 19 (9), 1476-1497, 2017
Broadcast versus viral spreading: The structure of diffusion cascades and selective sharing on social media
H Liang
Journal of Communication 68 (3), 525-546, 2018
Testing propositions derived from Twitter studies: Generalization and replication in computational social science
H Liang, K Fu
PLoS ONE 10 (8), e0134270, 2015
Limited early warnings and public attention to coronavirus disease 2019 in China, January–February, 2020: A longitudinal cohort of randomly sampled weibo users
Y Zhu, KW Fu, KA Grépin, H Liang, ICH Fung
Disaster medicine and public health preparedness 14 (5), e24-e27, 2020
Big data, collection of (social media, harvesting)
H Liang, JJH Zhu
The international encyclopedia of communication research methods, 1-18, 2017
Dynamics of tactical radicalization and public receptiveness in Hong Kong’s anti-extradition bill movement
FLF Lee, EW Cheng, H Liang, GKY Tang, S Yuen
Journal of Contemporary Asia 52 (3), 429-451, 2022
Opinion leadership in a leaderless movement: Discussion of the anti-extradition bill movement in the LIHKG web forum
H Liang, FLF Lee
Social Movement Studies 22 (5-6), 670-688, 2023
Online incivility, cyberbalkanization, and the dynamics of opinion polarization during and after a mass protest event.
FLF Lee, H Liang, GKY Tang
International Journal of Communication (19328036) 13, 2019
Uncovering the effects of textual features on trustworthiness of online consumer reviews: A computational-experimental approach
G Huang, H Liang
Journal of Business Research 126, 1-11, 2021
Twitter and Middle East respiratory syndrome, South Korea, 2015: A multi-lingual study
ICH Fung, J Zeng, CH Chan, H Liang, J Yin, Z Liu, ZTH Tse, KW Fu
Infection, Disease & Health 23 (1), 10-16, 2018
Network redundancy and information diffusion: The impacts of information redundancy, similarity, and tie strength
H Liang, K Fu
Communication Research 46 (2), 250-272, 2019
Partisan bias of perceived incivility and its political consequences: Evidence from survey experiments in Hong Kong
H Liang, X Zhang
Journal of Communication 71 (3), 357–379, 2021
The organizational principles of online political discussion: A relational event stream model for analysis of web forum deliberation
H Liang
Human Communication Research 40 (4), 483–507, 2014
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Articles 1–20