Evgeny V. Vetchanin
Evgeny V. Vetchanin
Ural Mathematical Center, Udmurt State University, Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University
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The self-propulsion of a body with moving internal masses in a viscous fluid
EV Vetchanin, IS Mamaev, VA Tenenev
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 18, 100-117, 2013
Self-propulsion of a smooth body in a viscous fluid under periodic oscillations of a rotor and circulation
AV Borisov, IS Mamaev, EV Vetchanin
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 23, 850-874, 2018
Control of body motion in an ideal fluid using the internal mass and the rotor in the presence of circulation around the body
EV Vetchanin, AA Kilin
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 23, 435-458, 2017
A simple physical model for control of a propellerless aquatic robot
YL Karavaev, AV Klekovkin, IS Mamaev, VA Tenenev, EV Vetchanin
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 14 (1), 011007, 2022
Dynamics of rubber Chaplygin sphere under periodic control
IS Mamaev, EV Vetchanin
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 25, 215-236, 2020
Controlled motion of a rigid body with internal mechanisms in an ideal incompressible fluid
EV Vetchanin, AA Kilin
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 295, 302-332, 2016
Dynamics of a Smooth Profile in a Medium with Friction in the Presence of Parametric Excitation
AV Borisov, IS Mamaev, EV Vetchanin
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 23, 480-502, 2018
The contol of the motion through an ideal fluid of a rigid body by means of two moving masses
AA Kilin, EV Vetchanin
Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn 11 (4), 633-645, 2015
Моделирование управления движением в вязкой жидкости тела с переменной геометрией масс
ЕВ Ветчанин, ВА Тененев
Компьютерные исследования и моделирование 3 (4), 371-381, 2011
The self-propulsion of a foil with a sharp edge in a viscous fluid under the action of a periodically oscillating rotor
IS Mamaev, EV Vetchanin
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 23, 875-886, 2018
Модель безвинтового подводного робота
ЕВ Ветчанин, ЮЛ Караваев, АА Калинкин, АВ Клековкин, ...
Вестник удмуртского университета. математика. механика. компьютерные науки …, 2015
Движение тела с переменной геометрией масс в вязкой жидкости
ЕВ Ветчанин, ВА Тененев, ИС Мамаев
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 8 (4), 815-836, 2012
Vibrational stability of periodic solutions of the Liouville equations
ЕВ Ветчанин, ЕА Микишанина
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 15 (3), 351-363, 2019
Dynamics of two point vortices in an external compressible shear flow
EV Vetchanin, IS Mamaev
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 22, 893-908, 2017
Control of the motion of a helical body in a fluid using rotors
EV Vetchanin, AA Kilin, IS Mamaev
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 21, 874-884, 2016
Управление движением твердого тела в жидкости с помощью двух подвижных масс
АА Килин, ЕВ Ветчанин
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 11 (4), 633-645, 2015
Dynamics of a spherical robot with variable moments of inertia and a displaced center of mass
EM Artemova, YL Karavaev, IS Mamaev, EV Vetchanin
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 25, 689-706, 2020
Bifurcations and chaos in the dynamics of two point vortices in an acoustic wave
EV Vetchanin, AO Kazakov
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 26 (04), 1650063, 2016
Свободное и управляемое движение в жидкости тела с подвижной внутренней массой при наличии циркуляции вокруг тела
ЕВ Ветчанин, АА Килин
Доклады Академии наук 466 (3), 293-293, 2016
Хаотическая динамика в задаче о падении тела винтовой формы в жидкости
ВА Тененев, ЛФ Илалетдинов, ЕВ Ветчанин
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 12 (1), 99-120, 2016
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