Melih Çelik
Melih Çelik
Professor of Operational Research, University of Bath
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Humanitarian logistics
M Çelik, Ö Ergun, B Johnson, P Keskinocak, Á Lorca, P Pekgün, J Swann
New directions in informatics, optimization, logistics, and production, 18-49, 2012
The post-disaster debris clearance problem under incomplete information
M Çelik, Ö Ergun, P Keskinocak
Operations Research 63 (1), 65-85, 2015
Network restoration and recovery in humanitarian operations: Framework, literature review, and research directions
M Celik
Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science 21 (2), 47-61, 2016
Order picking under random and turnover-based storage policies in fishbone aisle warehouses
M Çelk, H Süral
IIE transactions 46 (3), 283-300, 2014
An optimization‐based decision‐support tool for post‐disaster debris operations
Á Lorca, M Çelik, Ö Ergun, P Keskinocak
Production and Operations Management 26 (6), 1076-1091, 2017
A decision-support tool for post-disaster debris operations
Á Lorca, M Çelik, Ö Ergun, P Keskinocak
Procedia Engineering 107, 154-167, 2015
Pre-positioning of relief items under road/facility vulnerability with concurrent restoration and relief transportation
E Aslan, M Çelik
Iise Transactions 51 (8), 847-868, 2019
Freight villages: A literature review from the sustainability and societal equity perspective
AM Baydar, H Süral, M Çelik
Journal of cleaner production 167, 1208-1221, 2017
Order picking in parallel-aisle warehouses with multiple blocks: complexity and a graph theory-based heuristic
M Çelik, H Süral
International Journal of Production Research 57 (3), 888-906, 2019
Order picking in a parallel-aisle warehouse with turn penalties
M Celik, H Süral
International Journal of Production Research 54 (14), 4340-4355, 2016
Inventory routing in a warehouse: The storage replenishment routing problem
M Çelik, C Archetti, H Süral
European Journal of Operational Research 301 (3), 1117-1132, 2022
A stochastic programming approach for chemotherapy appointment scheduling
NB Demir, S Gul, M Çelik
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 68 (1), 112-133, 2021
Challenges in service network expansion: An application in donated breastmilk banking in South Africa
W Cao, M Çelik, Ö Ergun, J Swann, N Viljoen
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 53, 33-48, 2016
Integrated reinforcement and repair of interdependent infrastructure networks under disaster-related uncertainties
TC Sütiçen, S Batun, M Çelik
European Journal of Operational Research 308 (1), 369-384, 2023
The min–max order picking problem in synchronised dynamic zone-picking systems
S Saylam, M Çelik, H Süral
International Journal of Production Research 61 (7), 2086-2104, 2023
Stochastic scheduling of chemotherapy appointments considering patient acuity levels
S Karakaya, S Gul, M Çelik
European Journal of Operational Research 305 (2), 902-916, 2023
Potential effects of logistics clusters: The case of Turkish Freight Villages
AM Baydar, H Süral, M Çelik
Journal of cleaner production 233, 399-411, 2019
A stochastic programming approach to surgery scheduling under parallel processing principle
B Çelik, S Gul, M Çelik
Omega 115, 102799, 2023
The order picking problem in fishbone aisle warehouses
M Celik, H Sural
Arc routing based compact formulations for picker routing in single and two block parallel aisle warehouses
S Saylam, M Çelik, H Süral
European Journal of Operational Research 313 (1), 225-240, 2024
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Articles 1–20