Quantum theory and its stochastic limit L Accardi, YG Lu, I Volovich Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 597 | 2013 |
Quantum stochastic processes L Accardi, A Frigerio, JT Lewis Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 18 (1), 97-133, 1982 | 472 | 1982 |
Conditional expectations in von Neumann algebras and a theorem of Takesaki L Accardi, C Cecchini Journal of Functional Analysis 45 (2), 245-273, 1982 | 306 | 1982 |
Topics in quantum probability L Accardi Physics Reports 77 (3), 169-192, 1981 | 281 | 1981 |
Interacting Fock spaces and Gaussianization of probability measures L Accardi, M Bożejko Infinite dimensional analysis, quantum probability and related topics 1 (04 …, 1998 | 252 | 1998 |
Compound channels, transition expectations, and liftings L Accardi, M Ohya Applied Mathematics and Optimization 39, 33-59, 1999 | 202 | 1999 |
The weak coupling limit as a quantum functional central limit L Accardi, A Frigerio, YG Lu Communications in mathematical physics 131, 537-570, 1990 | 189 | 1990 |
Markovian cocycles L Accardi, A Frigerio Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section A: Mathematical and Physical …, 1983 | 180 | 1983 |
On the statistical meaning of complex numbers in quantum mechanics L Accardi, A Fedullo Lettere al Nuovo Cimento (1971-1985) 34, 161-172, 1982 | 152 | 1982 |
On the noncommutative Markov property L Accardi Functional Analysis and Its Applications 9 (1), 1-8, 1975 | 151 | 1975 |
Quantum probability and applications to the quantum theory of irreversible processes: proceedings of the international workshop held at Villa Mondragone, Italy, September 6-11 … L Accardi, A Frigerio, V Gorini Springer, 2006 | 140* | 2006 |
A white-noise approach to stochastic calculus L Accardi, YG Lu, IV Volovich Acta Applicandae Mathematica 63, 3-25, 2000 | 140 | 2000 |
The probabilistic roots of the quantum mechanical paradoxes L Accardi The wave-particle dualism: a tribute to Louis de Broglie on his 90th …, 1984 | 139 | 1984 |
Non-commutative Markov chains L Accardi Proceedings international school of mathematical physics, 268-295, 1974 | 129 | 1974 |
On the quantum Feynmann-Kac formula L Accardi Rendiconti del seminario Matematico e Fisico 48 (1), 135-180, 1978 | 118 | 1978 |
Renormalized Squares of White Noise¶ and Other Non-Gaussian Noises as Lévy Processes¶ on Real Lie Algebras L Accardi, U Franz, M Skeide Communications in mathematical physics 228 (1), 123-150, 2002 | 114 | 2002 |
Nonrelativistic quantum mechanics as a noncommutative Markov process L Accardi Advances in Mathematics 20, 329-366, 1976 | 102 | 1976 |
Urne e camaleonti: dialogo sulla realtà, le leggi del caso e l'interpretazione della teoria quantistica L Accardi Il Saggiatore, 1997 | 101 | 1997 |
Quantum independent increment processes on superalgebras L Accardi, M Schürmann, W von Waldenfels Sonderforschungsbereich 123, 1987 | 98 | 1987 |
The Wigner semi-circle law in quantum electro dynamics L Accardi, YG Lu Communications in Mathematical Physics 180, 605-632, 1996 | 97 | 1996 |