Emad Aziz
Emad Aziz
Head of the Joint Ultrafast Dynamics Lab in Solutions and at Interfaces: Department of Physics at FU
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Femtosecond modification of electron localization and transfer of angular momentum in nickel
C Stamm, T Kachel, N Pontius, R Mitzner, T Quast, K Holldack, S Khan, ...
Nature materials 6 (10), 740-743, 2007
Localized charge transfer in a molecularly doped conducting polymer
EF Aziz, A Vollmer, S Eisebitt, W Eberhardt, P Pingel, D Neher, N Koch
Advanced Materials 19 (20), 3257-3260, 2007
Interaction between liquid water and hydroxide revealed by core-hole de-excitation
EF Aziz, N Ottosson, M Faubel, IV Hertel, B Winter
Nature 455 (7209), 89-91, 2008
Hydrogen bonds in liquid water studied by photoelectron spectroscopy
B Winter, EF Aziz, U Hergenhahn, M Faubel, IV Hertel
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (12), 2007
Cation-Specific Interactions with Carboxylate in Amino Acid and Acetate Aqueous Solutions: X-ray Absorption and ab initio Calculations
EF Aziz, N Ottosson, S Eisebitt, W Eberhardt, B Jagoda-Cwiklik, R Vácha, ...
The journal of physical chemistry B 112 (40), 12567-12570, 2008
Unusual water hydrogen bond network around hydrogenated nanodiamonds
T Petit, L Puskar, T Dolenko, S Choudhury, E Ritter, S Burikov, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (9), 5185-5194, 2017
pH-induced protonation of lysine in aqueous solution causes chemical shifts in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
D Nolting, EF Aziz, N Ottosson, M Faubel, IV Hertel, B Winter
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (45), 14068-14073, 2007
High resolution X-ray emission spectroscopy of water and aqueous ions using the micro-jet technique
KM Lange, R Könnecke, S Ghadimi, R Golnak, MA Soldatov, KF Hodeck, ...
Chemical Physics 377 (1-3), 1-5, 2010
State-Dependent Electron Delocalization Dynamics at the Solute-Solvent Interface: <?format ?>Soft-X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Calculations
SI Bokarev, M Dantz, E Suljoti, O Kühn, EF Aziz
Physical review letters 111 (8), 083002, 2013
Electronic structure of ions and molecules in solution: a view from modern soft X-ray spectroscopies
KM Lange, EF Aziz
Chemical Society Reviews 42 (16), 6840-6859, 2013
On the origin of the hydrogen‐bond‐network nature of water: x‐ray absorption and emission spectra of water–acetonitrile mixtures
KM Lange, R Könnecke, M Soldatov, R Golnak, JE Rubensson, ...
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 50 (45), 10621, 2011
Chemical bonding in aqueous ferrocyanide: experimental and theoretical X-ray spectroscopic study
N Engel, SI Bokarev, E Suljoti, R Garcia-Diez, KM Lange, K Atak, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (6), 1555-1563, 2014
Probing interfacial water on nanodiamonds in colloidal dispersion
T Petit, H Yuzawa, M Nagasaka, R Yamanoi, E Osawa, N Kosugi, EF Aziz
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (15), 2909-2912, 2015
Molecular and electronic structure in NaCl electrolytes of varying concentration: Identification of spectral fingerprints
EF Aziz, A Zimina, M Freiwald, S Eisebitt, W Eberhardt
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (11), 2006
Charge transfer to solvent identified using dark channel fluorescence-yield L-edge spectroscopy
EF Aziz, MH Rittmann-Frank, KM Lange, S Bonhommeau, M Chergui
Nature Chemistry 2 (10), 853-857, 2010
Probing the electronic structure of the hemoglobin active center in physiological solutions
EF Aziz, N Ottosson, S Bonhommeau, N Bergmann, W Eberhardt, ...
Physical review letters 102 (6), 068103, 2009
Observation of electron-transfer-mediated decay in aqueous solution
I Unger, R Seidel, S Thürmer, MN Pohl, EF Aziz, LS Cederbaum, ...
Nature chemistry 9 (7), 708-714, 2017
Direct observation of molecular orbital mixing in a solvated organometallic complex.
E Suljoti, R Garcia-Diez, SI Bokarev, KM Lange, R Schoch, B Dierker, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (37), 2013
Advances in liquid phase soft-x-ray photoemission spectroscopy: A new experimental setup at BESSY II
R Seidel, MN Pohl, H Ali, B Winter, EF Aziz
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (7), 2017
X-ray emission from pure and dilute HO and DO in a liquid microjet: Hydrogen bonds and nuclear dynamics
KM Lange, M Soldatov, R Golnak, M Gotz, N Engel, R Könnecke, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (15), 155104, 2012
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