Robert W Palmatier
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Cited by
Factors influencing the effectiveness of relationship marketing: A meta-analysis
RW Palmatier, RP Dant, D Grewal, KR Evans
Journal of marketing 70 (4), 136-153, 2006
Resource-based theory in marketing
IV Kozlenkova, SA Samaha, RW Palmatier
Journal of the academy of marketing science 42, 1-21, 2014
A comparative longitudinal analysis of theoretical perspectives of interorganizational relationship performance
RW Palmatier, RP Dant, D Grewal
Journal of marketing 71 (4), 172-194, 2007
The role of customer gratitude in relationship marketing
RW Palmatier, CB Jarvis, JR Bechkoff, FR Kardes
Journal of marketing 73 (5), 1-18, 2009
Effect of service transition strategies on firm value
E Fang, RW Palmatier, JBEM Steenkamp
Journal of marketing 72 (5), 1-14, 2008
Review articles: Purpose, process, and structure
RW Palmatier, MB Houston, J Hulland
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46, 1-5, 2018
Data privacy: Effects on customer and firm performance
KD Martin, A Borah, RW Palmatier
Journal of marketing 81 (1), 36-58, 2017
Customer loyalty to whom? Managing the benefits and risks of salesperson-owned loyalty
RW Palmatier, LK Scheer, JBEM Steenkamp
Journal of marketing research 44 (2), 185-199, 2007
Interfirm relational drivers of customer value
RW Palmatier
Journal of marketing 72 (4), 76-89, 2008
Creating effective online customer experiences
A Bleier, CM Harmeling, RW Palmatier
Journal of marketing 83 (2), 98-119, 2019
Influence of customer participation on creating and sharing of new product value
E Fang, RW Palmatier, KR Evans
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 36, 322-336, 2008
Relationship marketing
RW Palmatier
Marketing Science Institute, 2008
Building, measuring, and profiting from customer loyalty
GF Watson, JT Beck, CM Henderson, RW Palmatier
Journal of the academy of marketing science 43, 790-825, 2015
Online influencer marketing
FF Leung, FF Gu, RW Palmatier
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 50 (2), 226-251, 2022
Supply chain management and retailer performance: emerging trends, issues, and implications for research and practice
S Ganesan, M George, S Jap, RW Palmatier, B Weitz
Journal of retailing 85 (1), 84-94, 2009
Relationship velocity: Toward a theory of relationship dynamics
RW Palmatier, MB Houston, RP Dant, D Grewal
Journal of Marketing 77 (1), 13-30, 2013
Poisoning relationships: Perceived unfairness in channels of distribution
SA Samaha, RW Palmatier, RP Dant
Journal of marketing 75 (3), 99-117, 2011
An emerging theory of avatar marketing
F Miao, IV Kozlenkova, H Wang, T Xie, RW Palmatier
Journal of Marketing 86 (1), 67-90, 2022
Review of the theoretical underpinnings of loyalty programs
CM Henderson, JT Beck, RW Palmatier
Journal of consumer psychology 21 (3), 256-276, 2011
Digital technologies: tensions in privacy and data
S Quach, P Thaichon, KD Martin, S Weaven, RW Palmatier
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 50 (6), 1299-1323, 2022
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Articles 1–20