Francisco José Díaz-Galiano
Francisco José Díaz-Galiano
Laboratoire D'étude des Résidus et Contaminants Dans les Aliments (LABERCA)
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Cited by
Distribution of chemical residues in the beehive compartments and their transfer to the honeybee brood
MM Morales, MJG Ramos, PP Vázquez, FJD Galiano, MG Valverde, ...
Science of the Total Environment 710, 136288, 2020
Analysis of pesticide residues in olive oil and other vegetable oils
E Hakme, A Lozano, C Ferrer, FJ Díaz-Galiano, AR Fernández-Alba
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 100, 167-179, 2018
A non-targeted metabolomic approach to identify food markers to support discrimination between organic and conventional tomato crops
MJM Bueno, FJ Díaz-Galiano, Ł Rajski, V Cutillas, AR Fernández-Alba
Journal of Chromatography A 1546, 66-76, 2018
Improving the simultaneous target and non-target analysis LC-amenable pesticide residues using high speed Orbitrap mass spectrometry with combined multiple acquisition modes
Ł Rajski, S Petromelidou, FJ Díaz-Galiano, C Ferrer, AR Fernández-Alba
Talanta 228, 122241, 2021
Coupling ion chromatography to Q-orbitrap for the fast and robust analysis of anionic pesticides in fruits and vegetables
Ł Rajski, FJ Díaz Galiano, V Cutillas, AR Fernández-Alba
Journal of AOAC International 101 (2), 352-359, 2018
Supercritical fluid chromatography separation of chiral pesticides: Unique capabilities to study cyhalothrin and metalaxyl as examples
V Cutillas, M García-Valverde, M del Mar Gómez-Ramos, FJ Díaz-Galiano, ...
Journal of Chromatography A 1620, 461007, 2020
APIStrip, a new tool for environmental contaminant sampling through honeybee colonies
M Murcia-Morales, JJM Van der Steen, F Vejsnæs, FJ Díaz-Galiano, ...
Science of The Total Environment 729, 138948, 2020
Environmental monitoring study of pesticide contamination in Denmark through honey bee colonies using APIStrip-based sampling
M Murcia-Morales, FJ Díaz-Galiano, F Vejsnæs, O Kilpinen, ...
Environmental Pollution 290, 117888, 2021
Cooking food in microwavable plastic containers: in situ formation of a new chemical substance and increased migration of polypropylene polymers
FJ Díaz-Galiano, MJ Gómez-Ramos, I Beraza, M Murcia-Morales, ...
Food Chemistry 417, 135852, 2023
Identification of novel unique mānuka honey markers using high-resolution mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
FJ Díaz-Galiano, H Heinzen, MJ Gómez-Ramos, M Murcia-Morales, ...
Talanta 260, 124647, 2023
Presence of anthraquinone in coffee and tea samples. An improved methodology based on mass spectrometry and a pilot monitoring programme
FJ Díaz-Galiano, M Murcia-Morales, M del Mar Gómez-Ramos, C Ferrer, ...
Analytical Methods 13 (1), 99-109, 2021
Collision cross-section as a universal molecular descriptor in the analysis of PFAS and use of ion mobility spectrum filtering for improved analytical sensitivities
FJ Díaz-Galiano, M Murcia-Morales, F Monteau, B Le Bizec, G Dervilly
Analytica Chimica Acta 1251, 341026, 2023
Dissipation and cross-contamination of miticides in apiculture. Evaluation by APIStrip-based sampling
M Murcia-Morales, FJ Díaz-Galiano, I Guitérrez-Tirado, JM Flores, ...
Chemosphere 280, 130783, 2021
Validation of a quick and easy extraction method for the determination of emerging contaminants and pesticide residues in agricultural soils
MG Valverde, MJM Bueno, M del Mar Gómez-Ramos, FJ Díaz-Galiano, ...
MethodsX 8, 101290, 2021
Economic poisons: A review of food contact materials and their analysis using mass spectrometry
FJ Díaz-Galiano, M Murcia-Morales, MJ Gómez-Ramos, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 172, 117550, 2024
Cutting-edge approach using dual-channel chromatography to overcome the sensitivity issues associated with polarity switching in pesticide residues analysis
FJ Díaz-Galiano, Ł Rajski, C Ferrer, PP Vázquez, AR Fernández-Alba
Analytica Chimica Acta 1180, 338875, 2021
Use of high-resolution mass spectrometry for the first-time identification of gerberin as a tentative marker of the fraudulent organic production of tomatoes
FJ Díaz-Galiano, H Heinzen, MJ Martínez-Bueno, Ł Rajski, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 112, 104662, 2022
Identification of colourant-carrier migrants from polyethylene terephthalate bottles into vegetable oils
I Beraza-Gómez, MJ Gómez-Ramos, FJ Díaz-Galiano, ARF Alba
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 123, 105587, 2023
Dual-channel chromatography a smart way to improve the analysis efficiency in liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry
Ł Rajski, F Jesús, FJ Díaz-Galiano, AR Fernández-Alba
Journal of Chromatography A 1633, 461614, 2020
Improved efficiency of ion trapping time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the analysis of pesticide residues and mycotoxins at trace levels in baby food
L Manzano-Sánchez, FJ Díaz-Galiano, JA Martínez, C Ferrer, ...
Talanta 278, 126448, 2024
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Articles 1–20