V Munyayev
V Munyayev
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Cyclops states in repulsive Kuramoto networks: The role of higher-order coupling
VO Munyayev, MI Bolotov, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov, I Belykh
Physical Review Letters 130 (10), 107201, 2023
Stability of rotatory solitary states in Kuramoto networks with inertia
VO Munyayev, MI Bolotov, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov, IV Belykh
Physical Review E 105 (2), 024203, 2022
Analytical approach to synchronous states of globally coupled noisy rotators
VO Munyaev, LA Smirnov, VA Kostin, GV Osipov, A Pikovsky
New Journal of Physics 22 (2), 023036, 2020
Control of spectroscopic features of multiphoton transitions in two coupled qubits by driving fields
VO Munyaev, MV Bastrakova
Physical Review A 104 (1), 012613, 2021
Appearance of chaos and hyperchaos in evolving pendulum network
VO Munyaev, DS Khorkin, MI Bolotov, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31 (6), 2021
Quantum fractional resonances in superconducting circuits with an embedded Josephson junction
MV Denisenko, VO Munyayev, AM Satanin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 681 (1), 012018, 2016
Variety of rotation modes in a small chain of coupled pendulums
MI Bolotov, VO Munyaev, AK Kryukov, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (3), 2019
Symmetry broken states in an ensemble of globally coupled pendulums
MI Bolotov, VO Munyaev, LA Smirnov, AE Hramov
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 402, 132266, 2020
Controllable single-spin evolution at subharmonics of electric dipole spin resonance enhanced by four-level Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana interference
DV Khomitsky, MV Bastrakova, VO Munyaev, NA Zaprudnov, ...
Physical Review B 108 (20), 205404, 2023
Synchronization structures in the chain of rotating pendulums
VO Munyaev, DS Khorkin, MI Bolotov, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov
Nonlinear Dynamics 104 (3), 2117-2125, 2021
Synchronization transitions and sensitivity to asymmetry in the bimodal Kuramoto systems with Cauchy noise
VA Kostin, VO Munyaev, GV Osipov, LA Smirnov
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 33 (8), 2023
How synaptic function controls critical transitions in spiking neuron networks: insight from a Kuramoto model reduction
LA Smirnov, VO Munyayev, MI Bolotov, GV Osipov, I Belykh
Frontiers in Network Physiology 4, 1423023, 2024
Generation of entangled states of light using discrete solitons in waveguide arrays
VO Martynov, VO Munyaev, LA Smirnov
Laser Physics Letters 19 (5), 055209, 2022
Parametric frequency transformation in a superconducting waveguide line with an integrated Josephson oscillator
MV Denisenko, VO Munyaev, AM Satanin
Physics of the Solid State 58, 2207-2211, 2016
Chimera states in a system of stationary and flying-through deterministic particles with an internal degree of freedom
MI Bolotov, LA Smirnov, VO Munyaev, GV Osipov
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 35 (1), 2025
Breathing and switching cyclops states in Kuramoto networks with higher-mode coupling
MI Bolotov, VO Munyayev, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov, I Belykh
Physical Review E 109 (5), 054202, 2024
Two-cluster regular states, chimeras and hyperchaos in a system of globally coupled phase oscillators with inertia
VO Munyayev, MI Bolotov, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 179, 114415, 2024
Cyclops states in repulsive theta-neuron networks
MI Bolotov, VO Munyayev, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov, I Belykh
Genes & Cells 18 (4), 844-846, 2023
Dissipation entanglement control of two coupled qubits via strong driving fields
MV Bastrakova, VO Munyaev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.20229, 2023
Splay states in the second-order Kuramoto model
VO Munyayev, MI Bolotov, LA Smirnov, GV Osipov, IV Belykh
Динамические системы. Теория и приложения, 68-69, 2022
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