Hashem M. Mourad
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A bubble‐stabilized finite element method for Dirichlet constraints on embedded interfaces
HM Mourad, J Dolbow, I Harari
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 69 (4), 772-793, 2007
Finite element tree crown hydrodynamics model (FETCH) using porous media flow within branching elements: A new representation of tree hydrodynamics
G Bohrer, H Mourad, TA Laursen, D Drewry, R Avissar, D Poggi, R Oren, ...
Water Resources Research 41 (11), 2005
Kinetics of thermally induced swelling of hydrogels
H Ji, H Mourad, E Fried, J Dolbow
International Journal of Solids and Structures 43 (7-8), 1878-1907, 2006
Modeling the texture evolution of Cu/Nb layered composites during rolling
BL Hansen, JS Carpenter, SD Sintay, CA Bronkhorst, RJ McCabe, ...
International journal of plasticity 49, 71-84, 2013
Coupling continuum dislocation transport with crystal plasticity for application to shock loading conditions
DJ Luscher, JR Mayeur, HM Mourad, A Hunter, MA Kenamond
International Journal of Plasticity 76, 111-129, 2016
Incorporating interface affected zones into crystal plasticity
JR Mayeur, IJ Beyerlein, CA Bronkhorst, HM Mourad
International journal of plasticity 65, 206-225, 2015
A crystal plasticity study of heterophase interface character stability of Cu/Nb bicrystals
JR Mayeur, IJ Beyerlein, CA Bronkhorst, HM Mourad, BL Hansen
International Journal of Plasticity 48, 72-91, 2013
Limit-load analysis of pipe bends under out-of-plane moment loading and internal pressure
HM Mourad, MYA Younan
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME 124 (1), 32-37, 2002
Nonlinear analysis of pipe bends subjected to out-of-plane moment loading and internal pressure
HM Mourad, MYA Younan
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME 123 (2), 253-261, 2001
Strain localization and dynamic recrystallization in polycrystalline metals: thermodynamic theory and simulation framework
CKC Lieou, HM Mourad, CA Bronkhorst
International Journal of Plasticity 119, 171-187, 2019
Modeling and simulation framework for dynamic strain localization in elasto-viscoplastic metallic materials subject to large deformations
HM Mourad, CA Bronkhorst, V Livescu, JN Plohr, EK Cerreta
International Journal of Plasticity 88, 1-26, 2017
Anomalous plasticity of body-centered-cubic crystals with non-Schmid effect
H Cho, CA Bronkhorst, HM Mourad, JR Mayeur, DJ Luscher
International Journal of Solids and Structures 139, 138-149, 2018
An assumed‐gradient finite element method for the level set equation
HM Mourad, J Dolbow, K Garikipati
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 64 (8), 1009-1032, 2005
The effect of modeling parameters on the predicted limit loads for pipe bends subjected to out-of-plane moment loading and internal pressure
HM Mourad, MYA Younan
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Transactions of the ASME 122 (4), 450-456, 2000
The arbitrary‐order virtual element method for linear elastodynamics models: convergence, stability and dispersion‐dissipation analysis
PF Antonietti, G Manzini, I Mazzieri, HM Mourad, M Verani
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122 (4), 934-971, 2021
A fourth-order phase-field fracture model: Formulation and numerical solution using a continuous/discontinuous Galerkin method
L Svolos, HM Mourad, G Manzini, K Garikipati
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 165, 104910, 2022
Numerical implementation of a crystal plasticity model with dislocation transport for high strain rate applications
JR Mayeur, HM Mourad, DJ Luscher, A Hunter, MA Kenamond
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 24 (4), 045013, 2016
A thermodynamically consistent discontinuous Galerkin formulation for interface separation
D Versino, HM Mourad, CG Dávila, FL Addessio
Composite Structures 133, 595-606, 2015
Advances in the numerical treatment of grain-boundary migration: Coupling with mass transport and mechanics
HM Mourad, K Garikipati
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 196 (1-3), 595-607, 2006
A global–local discontinuous Galerkin finite element for finite-deformation analysis of multilayered shells
D Versino, HM Mourad, TO Williams, FL Addessio
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283, 1401-1424, 2015
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Articles 1–20