Liubov Kovriguina
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Cited by
SGPT: A Generative Approach for SPARQL Query Generation from Natural Language Questions
MR al hasan Rony, U Kumar, R Teucher, L Kovriguina, J Lehmann
IEEE Access, 2022
Stop-words in keyphrase extraction problem
S Popova, L Kovriguina, D Mouromtsev, I Khodyrev
14th Conference of Open Innovation Association FRUCT, 113-121, 2013
Knowledge Graph Question Answering Leaderboard: A Community Resource to Prevent a Replication Crisis
A Perevalov, X Yan, L Kovriguina, L Jiang, A Both, R Usbeck
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.08174, 2022
Russian Named Entities Recognition and Classification Using Distributed Word and Phrase Representations.
R Ivanitskiy, A Shipilo, L Kovriguina
SIMBig, 150-156, 2016
Russian tagging and dependency parsing models for stanford CoreNLP natural language toolkit
L Kovriguina, I Shilin, A Shipilo, A Putintseva
Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web: 8th International Conference, KESW …, 2017
RoMe: A Robust Metric for Evaluating Natural Language Generation
MRAH Rony, L Kovriguina, D Chaudhuri, R Usbeck, J Lehmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.09183, 2022
SPARQLGEN: One-Shot Prompt-based Approach for SPARQL Query Generation
L Kovriguina, R Teucher, D Radyush, D Mouromtsev
SEMANTiCS Posters and Demos 2023 CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3526, 2023
Metadata extraction from conference proceedings using template-based approach
L Kovriguina, A Shipilo, F Kozlov, M Kolchin, E Cherny
Semantic Web Evaluation Challenges: Second SemWebEval Challenge at ESWC 2015 …, 2015
NeOn-GPT: A Large Language Model-Powered Pipeline for Ontology Learning
N Fathallah, A Das, S De Giorgis, A Poltronieri, P Haase, L Kovriguina
From spoken language to ontology-driven dialogue management
D Mouromtsev, L Kovriguina, Y Emelyanov, D Pavlov, A Shipilo
Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 18th International Conference, TSD 2015, Pilsen …, 2015
Improving Subgraph Extraction Algorihtms for One-Shot SPARQL Query Generation with Large Language Models.
D Pliukhin, D Radyush, L Kovriguina, D Mouromtsev
ECOLE: student knowledge assessment in the education process
D Mouromtsev, F Kozlov, L Kovriguina, O Parkhimovich
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 695-700, 2015
CEUR-WS-LOD: conversion of CEUR-WS workshops to linked data
M Kolchin, E Cherny, F Kozlov, A Shipilo, L Kovriguina
Semantic Web Evaluation Challenges: Second SemWebEval Challenge at ESWC 2015 …, 2015
Climate Bot: A Machine Reading Comprehension System for Climate Change Question Answering
MRAH Rony, Y Zuo, L Kovriguina, R Teucher, J Lehmann
IJCAI 2022 Special Track "AI for Social Good", 2022
Автоматическая классификация эллиптических конструкций в русской спонтанной речи
А Путинцева, Л Ковригина, И Шилин
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2233, 120-138, 2018
A Combined Method for E-Learning Ontology Population based on NLP and User Activity Analysis.
D Mouromtsev, F Kozlov, L Kovriguina, O Parkhimovich
LILE@ ISWC, 2014
TextGraphs-16 Natural Language Premise Selection Task: Zero-Shot Premise Selection with Prompting Generative Language Models
L Kovriguina, R Teucher, R Wardenga
Proceedings of TextGraphs-16: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language …, 2022
Multilevel Annotation in the Corpus for Parsing Russian Spontaneous Speech
L Kovriguina, I Shilin, A Putintseva, A Shipilo
International Conference on Speech and Computer, 311-320, 2018
A Method for Dataset Creation for Dialogue State Classification in Voice Control Systems for the Internet of Things
I Shilin, L Kovriguina, D Mouromtsev, G Wohlgenannt, R Ivanitskiy
R. Piotrowski's Readings in Language Engineering and Applied Linguistics, 96-106, 2018
Linking e-learning ontology concepts with NLP algorithms
D Mouromtsev, F Kozlov, L Kovriguina, O Parkhimovich
Proceedings of 16th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 60-65, 2014
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Articles 1–20