Alexa I. Ruppertsberg
Alexa I. Ruppertsberg
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Rendering complex scenes for psychophysics using RADIANCE: How accurate can you get?
AI Ruppertsberg, M Bloj
JOSA A 23 (4), 759-768, 2006
Color constancy improves for real 3D objects
M Hedrich, M Bloj, AI Ruppertsberg
Journal of Vision 9 (4), 16-16, 2009
The chromatic input to global motion perception
AI Ruppertsberg, SM Wuerger, M Bertamini
Visual Neuroscience 20 (4), 421-428, 2003
Creating physically accurate visual stimuli for free: Spectral rendering with RADIANCE
AI Ruppertsberg, M Bloj
Behavior Research Methods 40 (1), 304-308, 2008
Sensitivity to luminance and chromaticity gradients in a complex scene
AI Ruppertsberg, M Bloj, A Hurlbert
Journal of Vision 8 (9), 3-3, 2008
Reflecting on a room of one reflectance
AI Ruppertsberg, M Bloj
Journal of Vision 7 (13), 12-12, 2007
The integration of local chromatic motion signals is sensitive to contrast polarity
SM Wuerger, A Ruppertsberg, S Malek, M Bertamini, J Martinovic
Visual Neuroscience 28 (3), 239-246, 2011
Displaying colourimetrically calibrated images on a high dynamic range display
AI Ruppertsberg, M Bloj, F Banterle, A Chalmers
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 18 (5), 429-438, 2007
When S-cones contribute to chromatic global motion processing
AI Ruppertsberg, SM Wuerger, M Bertamini
Visual Neuroscience 24 (1), 1-8, 2007
Funktionelle Prinzipien der Objekt- und Gesichtserkennung1
HH Bülthoff, I Bülthoff
Kognitive Neurowissenschaften, 129-137, 2012
The development and application of audit criteria for assessing knowledge exchange plans in health research grant applications
AI Ruppertsberg, V Ward, A Ridout, R Foy
Implementation Science 9, 1-6, 2014
Games as research tools for visual perception over the Internet
AI Ruppertsberg, G Givaty, H Van Veen, H Bülthoff
Dimensions of Internet science, 147Ð158, 2001
On seeing and rendering colour gradients
AI Ruppertsberg, A Hurlbert, M Bloj
Proceedings of the 4th symposium on Applied perception in graphics and …, 2007
Early use of color but not local structure in rapid scene perception
BS Tjan, AI Ruppertsberg, HH Bülthoff
Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology …, 1999
A face specific similarity measure for image coding and synthesis
AI Ruppertsberg, T Vetter, HH Bülthoff
Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology …, 1998
Why higher resolution graphics cards are needed in colour vision research
L Garcia‐Suarez, AI Ruppertsberg
Color Research & Application 36 (2), 118-126, 2011
Sensitivity to colour gradients and its dependence on complexity of surround
AI Ruppertsberg, F Mayat, A Hurlbert, M Bloj
Perception, 2005
From scene to screen: colour accuracy in computer simulations used for psychophysics
AI Ruppertsberg, M Bloj
Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Applied perception in graphics and …, 2004
S-cone input into global motion processing
AI Ruppertsberg, SM Wuerger, M Bertamini
Journal of Vision 3 (9), 202-202, 2003
Visual sensitivity to achromatic gradients with different luminance profiles
L Garcia-Suarez, AI Ruppertsberg, M Bloj
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 942-942, 2008
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Articles 1–20