Fotini Christia
Fotini Christia
Ford International Professor of the Social Sciences at MIT
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Alliance formation in civil wars
F Christia
Cambridge University Press, 2012
Can development programs counter insurgencies?: Evidence from a field experiment in Afghanistan
A Beath, F Christia, R Enikolopov
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2024
Empowering women through development aid: Evidence from a field experiment in Afghanistan
A Beath, F Christia, R Enikolopov
American Political Science Review 107 (3), 540-557, 2013
Final Report - Randomized Impact Evaluation of Afghanistan's National Solidarity Program
A Beath, F Christia, R Enikolopov …, 2013
Electoral Rules and Political Selection: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan
A Beath, F Christia, G Egorov, R Enikolopov
The Review of Economic Studies 83 (3), 932-968, 2016
State capacity redux: Integrating classical and experimental contributions to an enduring debate
E Berwick, F Christia
Annual Review of Political Science 21 (1), 71-91, 2018
Direct democracy and resource allocation: Experimental evidence from Afghanistan
A Beath, F Christia, R Enikolopov
Journal of Development Economics 124 (1), 199-213, 2017
Community policing does not build citizen trust in police or reduce crime in the Global South
G Blair, JM Weinstein, F Christia, E Arias, E Badran, RA Blair, A Cheema, ...
Science 374 (6571), eabd3446, 2021
Context modularity of human altruism
M Alexander, F Christia
Science 334 (6061), 1392-1394, 2011
Flipping the Taliban: how to win in Afghanistan
F Christia, M Semple
Foreign Aff. 88, 34, 2009
Following the Money Muslim versus Muslim in Bosnia's Civil War
F Christia
Comparative Politics 40 (4), 461-480, 2008
Defining success in Afghanistan-What can the United States accept
S Biddle, F Christia, FA Thier
Foreign Aff. 89, 48, 2010
COVID-19 and fieldwork: Challenges and solutions
P Krause, O Szekely, M Bloom, F Christia, SZ Daly, C Lawson, Z Marks, ...
PS: Political Science & Politics 54 (2), 264-269, 2021
Mitigating the impact of biased artificial intelligence in emergency decision-making
H Adam, A Balagopalan, E Alsentzer, F Christia, M Ghassemi
Communications Medicine 2 (1), 149, 2022
The Art of State Persuasion: Iran's Post-Revolutionary Murals
F Christia, H Chehabi
Persica 22 (22), 11-13, 2008
Evidence on the nature of sectarian animosity from a geographically representative survey of Iraqi and Iranian Shia pilgrims
F Christia, E Dekeyser, D Knox
Nature Human Behaviour 6 (9), 1226-1233, 2022
The effect of drone strikes on civilian communication: evidence from Yemen
F Christia, SI Zoumpoulis, M Freedman, L Yao, A Jadbabaie
Political Science Research and Methods 10 (2), 419-427, 2022
What Can Civil War Scholars Tell Us About the Syrian Conflict
F Christia
The Political Science of Syria’s War, 8-10, 2013
Empowering women facing gender-based violence amid COVID-19 through media campaigns
F Christia, H Larreguy, E Parker-Magyar, M Quintero
Nature human behaviour 7 (10), 1740-1752, 2023
Displacement and return in the internet Era: Social media for monitoring migration decisions in Northern Syria
E Walk, K Garimella, F Christia
World Development 168, 106268, 2023
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Articles 1–20