Зайчук Олександр Вікторович
Зайчук Олександр Вікторович
Другие именаЗайчук Александр Викторович, Alexandr Zaychuk, A.V. Zaichuk
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
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The structure of borate glass
NA Minakova, AV Zaichuk, YI Belyi
Glass and Ceramics 65 (3), 70-73, 2008
Synthesis and characterisation of dye-intercalated nickel-aluminium layered-double hydroxide as a cosmetic pigment
V Kovalenko, V Kotok, A Yeroshkina, A Zaychuk
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 27-33, 2017
The study of ceramic pigments of spinel type with the use of slag of aluminothermal production of ferrotitanium
A Zaychuk, J Iovleva
Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2013
Ceramic pigments for producing black glazes
YI Belyi, AV Zaichuk
Glass and Ceramics 62 (9), 290-292, 2005
Radio-transparent ceramic materials of spodumene-cordierite composition
AV Zaichuk, AA Amelina, YV Karasik, YS Khomenko, VA Lementareva, ...
Functional materials, 2019
Black ceramic pigments based on open-hearth slag
AV Zaichuk, YI Belyi
Glass and Ceramics 69 (3), 99-103, 2012
Quartz ceramics modified by nanodispersed silica additive
ES Khomenko, AV Zaichuk, EV Karasik, AA Kunitsa
Functional materials, 2018
Production of uvarovite ceramic pigments using granulated blast-furnace slag
AV Zaichuk, AA Amelina
Glass and Ceramics 74, 99-103, 2017
Blue-green ceramic pigments in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–СоО–Cr2O3 based on granulated blast-furnace slag
АV Zaichuk, АА Amelina
Вопросы химии и химической технологии, 120-124, 2018
Brown ceramic pigments based on open-hearth slag
AV Zaichuk, YI Belyi
Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 85 (10), 1531-1535, 2012
Study of the Influence of R2O3 (R = Al, La, Y) on the Structure, Thermal and some Physical Properties of Magnesium Borosilicate Glasses
YS Hordieiev, AV Zaichuk
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 33 (2), 591-598, 2023
Patterns in the Synthesis Processes, the Microstructure and Properties of Strontium Anorthite Ceramics Modified by Glass of Spodumene Composition
O Zaichuk, А Amelina, Y Hordieiev, Y Kalishenko, N Sribniak, S Halushka, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (6), 108, 2020
Glass Formation in the MgO–B2O3–SiO2 System
YS Hordieiev, EV Karasik, AV Zaichuk
Silicon 15 (2), 1085-1091, 2023
Aspects of development and properties of densely sintered of ultra-high-frequency radio-transparent ceramics of cordierite composition
A Zaichuk, A Amelina, Y Kalishenko, Y Hordieiev, D Saltykov, N Sribniak, ...
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 58 (4), 483-494, 2021
Improvement of the compositions and properties of gray ceramic pigments
AV Zaichuk, YI Belyi
Glass and Ceramics 70 (5), 229-233, 2013
Synthesis, structure and properties of PbO–PbF2–B2O3–SiO2 glasses
YS Hordieiev, AV Zaichuk
Chalcogenide Letters 19 (12), 891-899, 2022
Heat-resistant ceramics of β-eucryptite composition: peculiarities of production, microstructure and properties
AV Zaichuk, AA Amelina, YS Khomenko, AS Baskevich, YR Kalishenko
Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii 2, 52-59, 2020
Synthesis and characteristic of celsian ceramics with the use of glass in the system Li2O-AI2O3⇔ B2O3-SiO2
AV Zaichuk, AA Amelina, YS Hordieiev, YR Kalishenko, NN Sribniak
Functional materials 27 (4), 827-835, 2020
Blue-green spinel-type ceramic pigments prepared from the slag of aluminothermal production of ferrotitanium
AV Zaichuk, AA Amelina
Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii 4 (4), 46-54, 2019
Ultra-high-frequency radio-transparent ceramics of cordierite composition doped with MgO–Al2O3–B2O3–SiO2 glass: Synthesis, microstructure, thermal and physical properties
AV Zaichuk, АA Amelina, YS Hordieiev, YR Kalishenko
Open Ceramics 15, 100377, 2023
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