Mehdi Shojaie
Cited by
Cited by
A method for determination of harmonics responsibilities at the point of common coupling using data correlation analysis
M Shojaie, H Mokhtari
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 8 (1), 142-150, 2014
Longitudinal Prediction Modeling of Alzheimer Disease using Recurrent Neural Networks
S Tabarestani, M Aghili, M Shojaie, C Freytes, M Cabrerizo, A Barreto, ...
2019 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics …, 2019
PWM plus phase-shift-modulated three-port three-level soft-switching converter using GaN switches for photovoltaic applications
H Moradisizkoohi, N Elsayad, M Shojaie, OA Mohammed
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 7 (2), 636-652, 2019
Design and Experimental Verification of a High-voltage Series-Stacked GaN eHEMT Module for Electric Vehicle Applications
M Shojaie, N Elsayad, H Moradisizkoohi, OA Mohammed
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 5 (1), 31-47, 2018
Profile-Specific Regression Model for Progression Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Using Longitudinal Data
S Tabarestani, M Aghili, M Shojaie, C Freytes, M Adjouadi
2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2018
Design of an all-GaN bidirectional DC-DC converter for medium voltage DC ship power systems using series-stacked GaN modules
M Shojaie, N Elsayad, OA Mohammed
2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2155-2161, 2018
A new look on the automation of medium voltage substations in power distribution systems
M Shojaie, VR Moghaddam, AAR Kazemi, P Dehghanian, G Karami
2012 Proceedings of 17th Conference on Electrical Power Distribution, 1-6, 2012
A Multi-input DC-DC Converter with AC-DC PFC Buck-boost Stage for Hybrid Energy storage Systems
M Shojaie, OA Mohammed
SoutheastCon 2018, 1-5, 2018
PET Imaging of Tau Pathology and Amyloid-β, and MRI for Alzheimer’s Disease Feature Fusion and Multimodal Classification
M Shojaie, S Tabarestani, M Cabrerizo, ST DeKosky, DE Vaillancourt, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2021
A Transfer Learning Approach Based on Gradient Boosting Machine for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
M Shojaie, M Cabrerizo, ST DeKosky, D Vaillancourt, D Loewenstein, ...
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 1062, 0
Power electronic building block using series-stacked gallium-nitride HEMTs
N Elsayad, M Shojaie, O Mohammed
US Patent 10,284,092, 2019
A Bidirectional Buck-boost Converter Using 1.3 kV Series-Stacked GaN E-HEMT Modules for Electric Vehicle Charging Application
M Shojaie, N Elsayad, S Tabarestani, OA Mohammed
2018 IEEE 6th Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications (WiPDA …, 2018
Multi-drain gallium-nitride module with multiple voltage ratings
N Elsayad, M Shojaie, O Mohammed
US Patent 10,199,487, 2019
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Articles 1–13