Angeline Scheinbaum, PhD
Angeline Scheinbaum, PhD
Other namesAngeline Close
Dan Duncan Endowed Professor of Sport Marketing Associate Professor of Marketing, Clemson University
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Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion
T O'Guinn, C Allen, A Close Scheinbaum, R Semenik
Cengage 8, 1-425, 2019
Beyond buying: Motivations behind consumers' online shopping cart use
AG Close, M Kukar-Kinney
Journal of Business Research 63 (10), 986-992, 2010
Enhancing brand credibility via celebrity endorsement: Trustworthiness trumps attractiveness and expertise
SW Wang, AC Scheinbaum
Journal of Advertising Research 58 (1), 16-32, 2018
Engaging the consumer through event marketing: Linking attendees with the sponsor, community, and brand
AG Close, RZ Finney, RZ Lacey, JZ Sneath
Journal of Advertising Research 46 (4), 420, 2006
The determinants of consumers’ online shopping cart abandonment
M Kukar-Kinney, AG Close
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 38 (2), 240-250, 2010
An IMC approach to event marketing: The effects of sponsorship and experience on customer attitudes
JZ Sneath, RZ Finney, AG Close
Journal of Advertising Research 45 (4), 373-381, 2005
Compulsive buying in online daily deal settings: An investigation of motivations and contextual elements
M Kukar-Kinney, AC Scheinbaum, T Schaefers
Journal of Business Research 69 (2), 691-699, 2016
The pivotal roles of product knowledge and corporate social responsibility in event sponsorship effectiveness
R Lacey, AG Close, RZ Finney
Journal of Business Research 63 (11), 1222-1228, 2010
Establishing human brands: determinants of placement success for first faculty positions in marketing
AG Close, JG Moulard, KB Monroe
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 39 (6), 922-941, 2011
Consumer Behavior Knowledge for Effective Sports and Event Marketing
LR Kahle, AG Close
Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis, 2011
Online Consumer Behavior: Theory and Research in Social Media, Advertising and E-tail
AC Scheinbaum
Routledge Academic, 2012
It ain't easy being green: Macro, meso, and micro green advertising agendas
AR Fowler III, AG Close
Journal of advertising 41 (4), 119-132, 2012
Market-resistance and Valentine's Day events
AG Close, GM Zinkhan
Journal of Business Research 62 (2), 200-207, 2009
This event is me!: How consumer event-self-congruity leverages sponsorship
AG Close, AS Krishen, MS LaTour
Journal of Advertising Research 49 (3), 271-284, 2009
All the same to me: outcomes of aesthetic labor performed by frontline service providers
KR Pounders, BJ Babin, AG Close
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 43, 670-693, 2015
Fit matters?: Asymmetrical impact of effectiveness for sponsors and event marketers
AG Close, R Lacey
Sport Marketing Quarterly 22 (2), 78-82, 2013
Interactive music for multisensory e‐commerce: The moderating role of online consumer involvement in experiential value, cognitive value, and purchase intention
A Hwang, J Oh, AC Scheinbaum
Psychology & Marketing 37 (8), 1031, 2020
Digital engagement: Opportunities and risks for sponsors: Consumer-viewpoint and practical considerations for marketing via mobile and digital platforms
AC Scheinbaum
Journal of Advertising Research 56 (4), 341-345, 2016
The impact of repeat attendance on event sponsorship effects
R Lacey, JZ Sneath, ZR Finney, AG Close
Journal of Marketing Communications 13 (4), 243-255, 2007
A power-responsibility equilibrium framework for fairness: Understanding consumers' implicit privacy concerns for location-based services
AS Krishen, RL Raschke, AC Scheinbaum, P Kachroo
Journal of Business Research 73, 20-29, 2017
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Articles 1–20