Edgar Manukyan
Edgar Manukyan
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Formation of aeolian ripples and sand sorting
E Manukyan, L Prigozhin
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 79, 031303, 2009
Ultrahigh‐resolution seismic reflection imaging of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
AE Kaiser, AG Green, FM Campbell, H Horstmeyer, E Manukyan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B11), 2009
Receiver-coupling effects in seismic waveform inversions
H Maurer, SA Greenhalgh, E Manukyan, S Marelli, AG Green
Geophysics 77 (1), R57-R63, 2012
Appraisal of waveform repeatability for crosshole and hole-to-tunnel seismic monitoring of radioactive waste repositories
S Marelli, E Manukyan, H Maurer, SA Greenhalgh, AG Green
Geophysics 75 (5), Q21-Q34, 2010
Optimized experimental design in the context of seismic full waveform inversion and seismic waveform imaging
H Maurer, A Nuber, NK Martiartu, F Reiser, C Boehm, E Manukyan, ...
Advances in geophysics 58, 1-45, 2017
Optimizing measurement geometry for seismic near-surface full waveform inversion
A Nuber, E Manukyan, H Maurer
Geophysical Journal International 210 (3), 1909-1921, 2017
Ground topography effects on near-surface elastic full waveform inversion
A Nuber, E Manukyan, H Maurer
Geophysical Journal International 207 (1), 67-71, 2016
Validity of the acoustic approximation in full-waveform seismic crosshole tomography
S Marelli, H Maurer, E Manukyan
Geophysics 77 (3), R129-R139, 2012
Enhancement of near-surface elastic full waveform inversion results in regions of low sensitivities
A Nuber, E Manukyan, H Maurer
Journal of Applied Geophysics 122, 192-201, 2015
Seismic monitoring of radioactive waste repositories
E Manukyan, H Maurer, S Marelli, SA Greenhalgh, AG Green
Geophysics 77 (6), EN73-EN83, 2012
Exploitation of data-information content in elastic-waveform inversions
E Manukyan, S Latzel, H Maurer, S Marelli, SA Greenhalgh
Geophysics 77 (2), R105-R115, 2012
Improvements to elastic full-waveform inversion using cross-gradient constraints
E Manukyan, H Maurer, A Nuber
Geophysics 83 (2), R105-R115, 2018
Understanding the impact of karst on seismic wave propagation-a multi-method geophysical study
C Schmelzbach, C Jordi, D Sollberger, J Doetsch, M Kaufmann, ...
77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition-Workshops 2015 (1), 1-5, 2015
Seismic reflection for hardrock mineral exploration: Lessons from numerical modeling
S Greenhalgh, E Manukyan
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 18 (4), 281-296, 2013
Geophysics applied to nuclear waste disposal investigations in Switzerland
T Spillmann, P Blümling, E Manukyan, S Marelli, HR Maurer, ...
first break 28 (8), 2010
Seismic monitoring and elastic full waveform inversion investigations applied to the radioactive waste disposal issue
E Manukyan
ETH Zurich, 2011
Optimized model parametrization using compact full waveform inversion
L Xu, E Manukyan, H Maurer
Geophysical Journal International 222 (1), 628-645, 2020
Accurate reconstruction of shallow P-wave velocity model with time-windowed elastic full-waveform inversion
N Athanasopoulos, E Manukyan, T Bohlen, H Maurer
80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018 2018 (1), 1-5, 2018
Validity of the acoustic approximation in full-waveform seismic crosshole tomography: Geophysics, 77
S Marelli, H Maurer, E Manukyan
R123–R139, 2012
Non-intrusive monitoring using seismic tomography at the Mont Terri rock laboratory
E Manukyan, H Maurer, S Marelli, SA Greenhalgh, AG Green
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2008, 1268-1272, 2008
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