Nonlinear self-filtering of noisy images via dynamical stochastic resonance DV Dylov, JW Fleischer Nature Photonics 4 (5), 323-328, 2010 | 139 | 2010 |
Photonic plasma instabilities and soliton turbulence in spatially incoherent light DV Dylov, JW Fleischer Localized States in Physics: Solitons and Patterns, 17-39, 2010 | 132* | 2010 |
Anomaly detection in Medical Imaging with Deep Perceptual Autoencoders N Tuluptceva, B Bakker, I Fedulova, H Schulz, DV Dylov IEEE Access 9, 118571-118583, 2020 | 128* | 2020 |
Ion acceleration in a dipole vortex in a laser plasma corona SV Bulanov, DV Dylov, TZ Esirkepov, FF Kamenets, DV Sokolov Plasma physics reports 31, 369-381, 2005 | 92 | 2005 |
Pytorch image quality: Metrics for image quality assessment S Kastryulin, J Zakirov, D Prokopenko, DV Dylov arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.14818, 2022 | 59* | 2022 |
Observation of all-optical bump-on-tail instability DV Dylov, JW Fleischer Physical review letters 100 (10), 103903, 2008 | 58 | 2008 |
Active Learning for Sequence Tagging with Deep Pre-trained Models and Bayesian Uncertainty Estimates A Shelmanov, D Puzyrev, L Kupriyanova, D Belyakov, D Larionov, ... European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1698-1712, 2021 | 52 | 2021 |
Medical image captioning via generative pretrained transformers A Selivanov, OY Rogov, D Chesakov, A Shelmanov, I Fedulova, DV Dylov Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4171, 2023 | 47 | 2023 |
Image quality assessment for magnetic resonance imaging S Kastryulin, J Zakirov, N Pezzotti, DV Dylov IEEE Access 11, 14154-14168, 2023 | 43 | 2023 |
Mood 2020: A public benchmark for out-of-distribution detection and localization on medical images D Zimmerer, PM Full, F Isensee, P Jäger, T Adler, J Petersen, G Köhler, ... IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41 (10), 2728-2738, 2022 | 43 | 2022 |
Diffraction from an edge in a self-focusing medium W Wan, DV Dylov, C Barsi, JW Fleischer Optics letters 35 (16), 2819-2821, 2010 | 42 | 2010 |
Active learning with deep pre-trained models for sequence tagging of clinical and biomedical texts A Shelmanov, V Liventsev, D Kireev, N Khromov, A Panchenko, ... 2019 IEEE international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (BIBM …, 2019 | 37 | 2019 |
Optical mapping-validated machine learning improves atrial fibrillation driver detection by multi-electrode mapping AM Zolotarev, BJ Hansen, EA Ivanova, KM Helfrich, N Li, PML Janssen, ... Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 13 (10), e008249, 2020 | 36 | 2020 |
Avoiding misdiagnosis of Parkinson’s disease with the use of wearable sensors and artificial intelligence A Talitckii, E Kovalenko, A Anikina, O Zimniakova, M Semenov, E Bril, ... IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (3), 3738-3747, 2020 | 36 | 2020 |
Microscopy image restoration with deep wiener-kolmogorov filters V Pronina, F Kokkinos, DV Dylov, S Lefkimmiatis Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020 | 35 | 2020 |
Electron bunch acceleration in the wake wave breaking regime SV Bulanov, M Yamagiwa, TZ Esirkepov, DV Dylov, FF Kamenets, ... Plasma physics reports 32, 263-281, 2006 | 33 | 2006 |
Comparative study of wearable sensors, video, and handwriting to detect Parkinson’s disease A Talitckii, E Kovalenko, A Shcherbak, A Anikina, E Bril, O Zimniakova, ... IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-10, 2022 | 30 | 2022 |
Multiple-stream instabilities and soliton turbulence in photonic plasma DV Dylov, JW Fleischer Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (6), 061804, 2008 | 29 | 2008 |
Nonlinear focusing and defocusing of partially coherent spatial beams C Sun, DV Dylov, JW Fleischer Optics letters 34 (19), 3003-3005, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |
Spectral dynamics of spatially incoherent modulation instability C Sun, L Waller, DV Dylov, JW Fleischer Physical review letters 108 (26), 263902, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |