Lucy Bricheno
Lucy Bricheno
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Robustness and uncertainties in global multivariate wind-wave climate projections
J Morim, M Hemer, XL Wang, N Cartwright, C Trenham, A Semedo, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (9), 711-718, 2019
UKCP18 science overview report
JA Lowe, D Bernie, P Bett, L Bricheno, S Brown, D Calvert, R Clark, ...
Met Office Hadley Centre: Exeter, UK, 1-73, 2018
Projected changes in area of the Sundarban mangrove forest in Bangladesh due to SLR by 2100
A Payo, A Mukhopadhyay, S Hazra, T Ghosh, S Ghosh, S Brown, ...
Climatic Change 139, 279-291, 2016
Future wave conditions of Europe, in response to high‐end climate change scenarios
LM Bricheno, J Wolf
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (12), 8762-8791, 2018
Modelling the increased frequency of extreme sea levels in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta due to sea level rise and other effects of climate change
S Kay, J Caesar, J Wolf, L Bricheno, RJ Nicholls, AKMS Islam, A Haque, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17 (7), 1311-1322, 2015
UKCP18 marine report
M Palmer, T Howard, J Tinker, J Lowe, L Bricheno, D Calvert, T Edwards, ...
Met Office Hadley Centre, 2018
A global ensemble of ocean wave climate projections from CMIP5-driven models
J Morim, C Trenham, M Hemer, XL Wang, N Mori, M Casas-Prat, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 105, 2020
SEASTAR: a mission to study ocean submesoscale dynamics and small-scale atmosphere-ocean processes in coastal, shelf and polar seas
C Gommenginger, B Chapron, A Hogg, C Buckingham, B Fox-Kemper, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 457, 2019
Tidal intrusion within a mega delta: An unstructured grid modelling approach
LM Bricheno, J Wolf, S Islam
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 182, 12-26, 2016
Projected sea level rise and changes in extreme storm surge and wave events during the 21st century in the region of Singapore
H Cannaby, MD Palmer, T Howard, L Bricheno, D Calvert, J Krijnen, ...
Ocean Science 12 (3), 613-632, 2016
Saline intrusion in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna megadelta
LM Bricheno, J Wolf, Y Sun
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 252, 107246, 2021
Assessment of the physical disturbance of the northern European Continental shelf seabed by waves and currents
JN Aldridge, ER Parker, LM Bricheno, SL Green, J Van der Molen
Continental Shelf Research 108, 121-140, 2015
Impacts of climate change on storms and waves relevant to the coastal and marine environment around the UK
J Wolf, D Woolf, L Bricheno
MCCIP Science Review 2020, 132-157, 2020
Can wave coupling improve operational regional ocean forecasts for the north-west European Shelf?
HW Lewis, JM Castillo Sanchez, J Siddorn, RR King, M Tonani, A Saulter, ...
Ocean Science 15 (3), 669-690, 2019
Modeling daily soil salinity dynamics in response to agricultural and environmental changes in coastal Bangladesh
A Payo, AN Lázár, D Clarke, RJ Nicholls, L Bricheno, S Mashfiqus, ...
Earth's Future 5 (5), 495-514, 2017
Effect of high-resolution meteorological forcing on nearshore wave and current model performance
LM Bricheno, A Soret, J Wolf, O Jorba, JM Baldasano
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 30 (6), 1021-1037, 2013
Contributions to 21st century projections of extreme sea-level change around the UK
T Howard, MD Palmer, LM Bricheno
Environmental Research Communications 1 (9), 095002, 2019
The UKC2 regional coupled environmental prediction system
HW Lewis, JM Castillo Sanchez, J Graham, A Saulter, J Bornemann, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 11 (1), 1-42, 2018
Global ocean wave fields show consistent regional trends between 1980 and 2014 in a multi-product ensemble
L Erikson, J Morim, M Hemer, I Young, XL Wang, L Mentaschi, N Mori, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 320, 2022
Uncertainties in shoreline projections to 2100 at Truc Vert Beach (France): Role of sea‐level rise and equilibrium model assumptions
M d'Anna, B Castelle, D Idier, J Rohmer, G Le Cozannet, R Thieblemont, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 126 (8), e2021JF006160, 2021
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