Galia Pozina
Galia Pozina
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Cited by
Design rules for minimizing voltage losses in high-efficiency organic solar cells
D Qian, Z Zheng, H Yao, W Tress, TR Hopper, S Chen, S Li, J Liu, S Chen, ...
Nature materials 17 (8), 703-709, 2018
Mechanism for low-temperature photoluminescence in GaNAs/GaAs structures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy
IA Buyanova, WM Chen, G Pozina, JP Bergman, B Monemar, HP Xin, ...
Applied physics letters 75 (4), 501-503, 1999
Evidence for two Mg related acceptors in GaN
BO Monemar, PP Paskov, G Pozina, C Hemmingsson, JP Bergman, ...
Physical review letters 102 (23), 235501, 2009
Group III-nitride based hetero and quantum structures
B Monemar, G Pozina
Progress in Quantum Electronics 24 (6), 239-290, 2000
Exciton oscillator strength in magnetic-field-induced spin superlattices CdTe/(Cd, Mn) Te
EL Ivchenko, AV Kavokin, VP Kochereshko, GR Posina, IN Uraltsev, ...
Physical Review B 46 (12), 7713, 1992
Growth and excitonic properties of single fractional monolayer CdSe/ZnSe structures
SV Ivanov, AA Toropov, TV Shubina, SV Sorokin, AV Lebedev, IV Sedova, ...
Journal of applied physics 83 (6), 3168-3171, 1998
Time-resolved studies of photoluminescence in alloys: Evidence for indirect-direct band gap crossover
IA Buyanova, G Pozina, JP Bergman, WM Chen, HP Xin, CW Tu
Applied physics letters 81 (1), 52-54, 2002
Perovskite-molecule composite thin films for efficient and stable light-emitting diodes
H Wang, FU Kosasih, H Yu, G Zheng, J Zhang, G Pozina, Y Liu, C Bao, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 891, 2020
Mechanism for rapid thermal annealing improvements in undoped structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy
IA Buyanova, G Pozina, PN Hai, NQ Thinh, JP Bergman, WM Chen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 77 (15), 2325-2327, 2000
Properties of molecular-beam epitaxy-grown GaNAs from optical spectroscopy
G Pozina, I Ivanov, B Monemar, JV Thordson, TG Andersson
Journal of applied physics 84 (7), 3830-3835, 1998
Reducing thermal resistance of AlGaN/GaN electronic devices using novel nucleation layers
GJ Riedel, JW Pomeroy, KP Hilton, JO Maclean, DJ Wallis, MJ Uren, ...
IEEE Electron Device Letters 30 (2), 103-106, 2008
Type I band alignment in the GaN x As 1− x/GaAs quantum wells
IA Buyanova, G Pozina, PN Hai, WM Chen, HP Xin, CW Tu
Physical Review B 63 (3), 033303, 2000
Origin of multiple peak photoluminescence in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells
G Pozina, JP Bergman, B Monemar, T Takeuchi, H Amano, I Akasaki
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (5), 2677-2681, 2000
SiC crystal growth by HTCVD
A Ellison, B Magnusson, B Sundqvist, GR Pozina, P Bergman, E Janzén, ...
Materials Science Forum 457, 9-14, 2004
Synthesis of Mg-doped ZnO NPs via a chemical low-temperature method and investigation of the efficient photocatalytic activity for the degradation of dyes under solar light
RE Adam, H Alnoor, G Pozina, X Liu, M Willander, O Nur
Solid State Sciences 99, 106053, 2020
Enhancement of spontaneous emission in Tamm plasmon structures
AR Gubaydullin, C Symonds, J Bellessa, KA Ivanov, ED Kolykhalova, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9014, 2017
Emission properties of Ga2O3 nano-flakes: effect of excitation density
G Pozina, M Forsberg, MA Kaliteevski, C Hemmingsson
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 42132, 2017
Properties of the main Mg-related acceptors in GaN from optical and structural studies
B Monemar, PP Paskov, G Pozina, C Hemmingsson, JP Bergman, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (5), 2014
Dependence of resonance energy transfer on exciton dimensionality
JJ Rindermann, G Pozina, B Monemar, L Hultman, H Amano, ...
Physical review letters 107 (23), 236805, 2011
Bound exciton dynamics in GaN grown by hydride vapor-phase epitaxy
G Pozina, JP Bergman, T Paskova, B Monemar
Applied Physics Letters 75 (26), 4124-4126, 1999
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Articles 1–20