Eric Hehman
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Cited by
Construct validation in social and personality research: Current practice and recommendations
JK Flake, J Pek, E Hehman
Social Psychological and Personality Science 8 (4), 370-378, 2017
Disproportionate use of lethal force in policing is associated with regional racial biases of residents
E Hehman, JK Flake, J Calanchini
Social psychological and personality science 9 (4), 393-401, 2018
Advanced mouse-tracking analytic techniques for enhancing psychological science
E Hehman, RM Stolier, JB Freeman
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 18 (3), 384-401, 2015
A common ingroup identity: Categorization, identity, and intergroup relations
SL Gaertner, JF Dovidio, R Guerra, E Hehman, T Saguy
Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination, 433-454, 2015
Same-sex marriage legalization associated with reduced implicit and explicit antigay bias
EK Ofosu, MK Chambers, JM Chen, E Hehman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (18), 8846-8851, 2019
The unique contributions of perceiver and target characteristics in person perception.
E Hehman, CAM Sutherland, JK Flake, ML Slepian
Journal of personality and social psychology 113 (4), 513, 2017
To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?
BC Jones, LM DeBruine, JK Flake, MT Liuzza, J Antfolk, NC Arinze, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (1), 159-169, 2021
Best research practices for using the Implicit Association Test
AG Greenwald, M Brendl, H Cai, D Cvencek, JF Dovidio, M Friese, ...
Behavior research methods, 1-20, 2022
Establishing construct validity evidence for regional measures of explicit and implicit racial bias.
E Hehman, J Calanchini, JK Flake, JB Leitner
Journal of experimental psychology: General 148 (6), 1022, 2019
Where the division lies: Common ingroup identity moderates the cross-race facial-recognition effect
E Hehman, EW Mania, SL Gaertner
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (2), 445-448, 2010
Blacks’ death rate due to circulatory diseases is positively related to whites’ explicit racial bias: A nationwide investigation using project implicit
JB Leitner, E Hehman, O Ayduk, R Mendoza-Denton
Psychological science 27 (10), 1299-1311, 2016
Amygdala responsivity to high-level social information from unseen faces
JB Freeman, RM Stolier, ZA Ingbretsen, EA Hehman
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (32), 10573-10581, 2014
Static and dynamic facial cues differentially affect the consistency of social evaluations
E Hehman, JK Flake, JB Freeman
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41 (8), 1123-1134, 2015
The conceptual structure of face impressions
RM Stolier, E Hehman, MD Keller, M Walker, JB Freeman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (37), 9210-9215, 2018
Perceiver and target characteristics contribute to impression formation differently across race and gender.
SY Xie, JK Flake, E Hehman
Journal of personality and social psychology 117 (2), 364, 2019
Early processing of gendered facial cues predicts the electoral success of female politicians
E Hehman, CM Carpinella, KL Johnson, JB Leitner, JB Freeman
Social Psychological and Personality Science 5 (7), 815-824, 2014
Racial bias is associated with ingroup death rate for Blacks and Whites: Insights from Project Implicit
JB Leitner, E Hehman, O Ayduk, R Mendoza-Denton
Social Science & Medicine 170, 220-227, 2016
Group status drives majority and minority integration preferences
E Hehman, SL Gaertner, JF Dovidio, EW Mania, R Guerra, DC Wilson, ...
Psychological Science 23 (1), 46-52, 2012
Enhancing static facial features increases intimidation
E Hehman, JB Leitner, SL Gaertner
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (4), 747-754, 2013
Trait knowledge forms a common structure across social cognition
RM Stolier, E Hehman, JB Freeman
Nature Human Behaviour 4 (4), 361-371, 2020
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Articles 1–20