On Amir
On Amir
Professor of Marketing, UC San Diego, Rady School of Management
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Cited by
The dishonesty of honest people: A theory of self-concept maintenance
N Mazar, O Amir, D Ariely
Journal of marketing research 45 (6), 633-644, 2008
Deciding without resources: Resource depletion and choice in context
A Pocheptsova, O Amir, R Dhar, RF Baumeister
Journal of Marketing Research 46 (3), 344-355, 2009
In search of homo economicus: cognitive noise and the role of emotion in preference consistency
L Lee, O Amir, D Ariely
Journal of Consumer Research 36 (2), 173-187, 2009
Keeping it real in experimental research—Understanding when, where, and how to enhance realism and measure consumer behavior
AC Morales, O Amir, L Lee
Journal of Consumer Research 44 (2), 465-476, 2017
Stumble, Predict, Nudge: How Behavioral Economics Informs Law and Policy
O Lobel, O Amir
Columbia Law Review 108, 2098-2138, 2009
Can Uncertainty Improve Promotions?
K Goldsmith, O Amir
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (6), 1070-1077, 2010
Choice construction versus preference construction: the instability of preferences learned in context
O Amir, J Levav
Journal of Marketing Research, 2007
Psychology, behavioral economics, and public policy
O Amir, D Ariely, A Cooke, D Dunning, N Epley, U Gneezy, B Koszegi, ...
Marketing letters 16 (3), 443-454, 2005
Resting on laurels: the effects of discrete progress markers as subgoals on task performance and preferences.
O Amir, D Ariely
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (5), 1158, 2008
Physical activity counseling in primary care: insights from public health and behavioral economics
K Shuval, T Leonard, J Drope, DL Katz, AV Patel, M Maitin‐Shepard, ...
CA: a cancer journal for clinicians 67 (3), 233-244, 2017
Driving performance: A growth theory of noncompete law
O Amir, O Lobel
Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 16, 833, 2012
More Ways to Cheat-Expanding the Scope of Dishonesty
N Mazar, O Amir, D Ariely
Journal of Marketing Research 45 (6), 651-653, 2008
Decisions by rules: The case of unwillingness to pay for beneficial delays
O Amir, D Ariely
Journal of Marketing Research, 2007
The dissociation between monetary assessment and predicted utility
O Amir, D Ariely, Z Carmon
Marketing Science 27 (6), 1055-1064, 2008
How context affects choice
R Thomadsen, RP Rooderkerk, O Amir, N Arora, B Bollinger, K Hansen, ...
Customer Needs and Solutions 5, 3-14, 2018
Liberalism and lifestyle: Informing regulatory governance with behavioural research
O Amir, O Lobel
European Journal of Risk Regulation 3 (1), 17-25, 2012
Guilt dynamics: Consequences of temporally separating decisions and actions
KE Duke, ON Amir
Journal of Consumer Research 45 (6), 1254-1273, 2019
How incentive framing can harness the power of social norms
A Lieberman, KE Duke, O Amir
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 151, 118-131, 2019
The effect of an interruption on risk decisions
DM Kupor, W Liu, O Amir
Journal of Consumer Research 44 (6), 1205-1219, 2018
“Ten Million Readers Can’t Be Wrong!,” or Can They? On the Role of Information About Adoption Stock in New Product Trial
C Morvinski, O Amir, E Muller
Marketing Science 36 (2), 290-300, 2017
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Articles 1–20