Atefeh Kazeroonian
Atefeh Kazeroonian
Project Leader, Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Hygiene, Technische
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Cited by
Method of conditional moments (MCM) for the Chemical Master Equation: A unified framework for the method of moments and hybrid stochastic-deterministic models
J Hasenauer, V Wolf, A Kazeroonian, FJ Theis
Journal of mathematical biology 69, 687-735, 2014
Inference for stochastic chemical kinetics using moment equations and system size expansion
F Fröhlich, P Thomas, A Kazeroonian, FJ Theis, R Grima, J Hasenauer
PLoS computational biology 12 (7), e1005030, 2016
CERENA: ChEmical REaction Network Analyzer—a toolbox for the simulation and analysis of stochastic chemical kinetics
A Kazeroonian, F Fröhlich, A Raue, FJ Theis, J Hasenauer
PloS one 11 (1), e0146732, 2016
Early emergence of T central memory precursors programs clonal dominance during chronic viral infection
S Grassmann, L Mihatsch, J Mir, A Kazeroonian, R Rahimi, ...
Nature immunology 21 (12), 1563-1573, 2020
Heritable changes in division speed accompany the diversification of single T cell fate
M Plambeck, A Kazeroonian, D Loeffler, L Kretschmer, C Salinno, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (9), e2116260119, 2022
Modeling of stochastic biological processes with non-polynomial propensities using non-central conditional moment equation
A Kazeroonian, FJ Theis, J Hasenauer
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 1729-1735, 2014
Parameter estimation for stochastic biochemical processes: A comparison of moment equation and fintie state projection
A Kazeroonian, J Hasenauer, F Theis
A scalable moment-closure approximation for large-scale biochemical reaction networks
A Kazeroonian, FJ Theis, J Hasenauer
Bioinformatics 33 (14), i293-i300, 2017
Heritable changes in division speed accompany the diversification of single T cell fate
M Plambeck, A Kazeroonian, D Loeffler, T Schroeder, DH Busch, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.07. 28.454102, 2021
Studying the dynamics of stochastic biochemical processes using generalised moment closure approximations
A Kazeroonian
Technische Universität München, 2018
User Documentation for CERENA: CERENA: ChEmical REaction Network Analyzer-A Toolbox for the Simulation and Analysis of Stochastic Chemical Kinetics
A Kazeroonian, F Fröhlich, A Raue, FJ Theis, J Hasenauer
Fast Fourier Transform and Fast Multipole Methods for efficent N-particle simulation problems
A Kazeroonian
Population Approach Group Europe Population Approach Group Europe
A Kazeroonian
Supplement to Inference for stochastic chemical kinetics using moment equations and system size expansion
F Fröhlich, P Thomas, A Kazeroonian, FJ Theis, R Grima, J Hasenauer
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Articles 1–14