Наталія Летуновська (Наталия Летуновская, N.Ye. Letunovska, N.Ye. Letunovskaya)
Наталія Летуновська (Наталия Летуновская, N.Ye. Letunovska, N.Ye. Letunovskaya)
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене biem.sumdu.edu.ua - Главная страница
Sustainable development of agricultural sector: Democratic profile impact among developing countries
O Lyulyov, T Pimonenko, N Stoyanets, N Letunovska
Research in World Economy 10 (4), 97-105, 2019
Environmental management and social marketing: A bibliometric analysis
NY Letunovska, OV Liulov, TV Pimonenko, VT Aleksandrov
Scientific research in the health tourism market: a systematic literature review
NY Letunovska, A Kwilinski, B Kaminska
Sumy State University, 2020
Framing a regional spatial development perspective: the relation between health and regional performance
N Letunovska, R Abazov, Y Chen
Virtual Economics 5 (4), 87-99, 2022
Tourism management in Azerbaijan under sustainable development: impact of COVID-19
F Rahmanov, R Aliyeva, AS Rosokhata, NY Letunovska
Sumy State University, 2020
Neural network modeling of the economic and social development trajectory transformation due to quarantine restrictions during COVID-19
TA Vasylieva, OV Kuzmenko, M Kuryłowicz, NY Letunovska
Centre of Sociological Research in co-operation with University of Szczecin …, 2021
Dependence of public health on energy consumption: cross-regional analysis
NY Letunovska, LY Saher, TA Vasylieva, SV Lieonov
Маркетинг у туризмі
НЄ Летуновська, ОВ Люльов
Сумський державний університет, 2020
Особливості та перспективи маркетингу туристичних послуг в Україні
КНЄ Тєлєтов О.С.
Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій, 21-34, 2012
Green Supply Chain Management: The Effect of Procurement Sustainability on Reverse Logistics
N Letunovska, FA Offei, PA Junior, O Lyulyov, T Pimonenko, A Kwilinski
Logistics 7 (3), 47, 2023
Use of language games in advertising texts as a creative approach in advertising management
A Teletov, S Teletova, N Letunovska
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 7 (2), 458-465, 2019
Objectivation of the ecological and economic losses from solid domestic waste at the heating enterprises
O Panchenko, M Domashenko, O Lyulyov, N Dalevska, T Pimonenko, ...
Management Systems in Production Engineering, 2021
Маркетингові дослідження як інструмент визначення стратегічних напрямів інноваційного розвитку промислового підприємства у сфері товарної політики
НЄ Летуновська, ЛО Сигида
Бизнес Информ, 97-105, 2019
Competitive and sustainable technological development: focus on business enterprises
OS Tielietov, YI Nahornyi, NY Letunovska, OH Shevliuha
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center, 2017
Segmentation as a base for digital marketing strategies in blood service: A cluster analysis for classifying healthy regional subjects
L Khomenko, L Saher, N Letunovska, A Jasnikowski
E3S Web of Conferences 307, 03001, 2021
Управління ефективністю соціальної інфраструктури промислових підприємств у сучасних умовах
НЄ Летуновська
Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2014
Sustainable tourism for the green economy
NY Letunovska, A Kwilinski, H Dzwigol, OV Liulov, TV Pimonenko
London Academy of Science and Business, 2021
Analysis of the model of consumer behavior in the healthy products segment as a perspective for the inclusive marketing development
N Letunovska, O Yashkina, L Saher, FA Alkhashrami, Y Nikitin
Marketing i menedžment innovacij, 20-35, 2021
Сurrent issues of a healthy economy in the region: marketing aspects. Economic and social-focused issues of modern world
A Rosokhata, N Letunovska, A Jasnikowski
Conference Proceedings of the 3nd International Scientific Conference, 41-43, 2020
The economic impact of COVID-19: forecasting for Ukrainian regions
TA Vasylieva, SV Lieonov, NY Letunovska
Sumy State University, 2020
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