Sheila McIlraith
Cited by
Cited by
Semantic web services
SA McIlraith, TC Son, H Zeng
IEEE intelligent systems 16 (2), 46-53, 2001
OWL-S: Semantic markup for web services
D Martin, M Burstein, J Hobbs, O Lassila, D McDermott, S McIlraith, ...
W3C member submission 22 (4), 2004
Simulation, verification and automated composition of web services
S Narayanan, SA McIlraith
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on World Wide Web, 77-88, 2002
Bringing semantics to web services: The OWL-S approach
D Martin, M Paolucci, S McIlraith, M Burstein, D McDermott, ...
Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition: First International …, 2005
DAML-S: Web service description for the semantic web
A Ankolekar, M Burstein, JR Hobbs, O Lassila, D Martin, D McDermott, ...
The Semantic Web—ISWC 2002: First International Semantic Web Conference …, 2002
Bringing semantics to web services with OWL-S
D Martin, M Burstein, D McDermott, S McIlraith, M Paolucci, K Sycara, ...
World Wide Web 10, 243-277, 2007
DAML-S: A semantic markup language for web services
A Ankolenkar, M Burstein, J Hobbs, O Lassila, D Martin, S McIlraith, ...
Using reward machines for high-level task specification and decomposition in reinforcement learning
RT Icarte, T Klassen, R Valenzano, S McIlraith
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2107-2116, 2018
Bringing semantics to web services
SA McIlraith, DL Martin
IEEE Intelligent systems 18 (1), 90-93, 2003
Adapting BPEL4WS for the semantic web: The bottom-up approach to web service interoperation
DJ Mandell, SA McIlraith
International Semantic Web Conference, 227-241, 2003
LTL and Beyond: Formal Languages for Reward Function Specification in Reinforcement Learning.
A Camacho, RT Icarte, TQ Klassen, RA Valenzano, SA McIlraith
IJCAI 19, 6065-6073, 2019
Reward machines: Exploiting reward function structure in reinforcement learning
RT Icarte, TQ Klassen, R Valenzano, SA McIlraith
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 73, 173-208, 2022
Partition-based logical reasoning for first-order and propositional theories
E Amir, S McIlraith
Artificial intelligence 162 (1-2), 49-88, 2005
OWL-S: Semantic markup for web services
M Burstein, J Hobbs, O Lassila, D Mcdermott, S Mcilraith, S Narayanan, ...
W3C Member Submission 71, 72-75, 2004
Analysis and simulation of web services
S Narayanan, S McIlraith
Computer networks 42 (5), 675-693, 2003
A heuristic search approach to planning with temporally extended preferences
JA Baier, F Bacchus, SA McIlraith
Artificial Intelligence 173 (5-6), 593-618, 2009
Improved non-deterministic planning by exploiting state relevance
C Muise, S McIlraith, C Beck
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2012
Learning reward machines for partially observable reinforcement learning
R Toro Icarte, E Waldie, T Klassen, R Valenzano, M Castro, S McIlraith
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Dsharp: Fast d-DNNF Compilation with sharpSAT
C Muise, SA McIlraith, JC Beck, EI Hsu
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 25th Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2012
Planning with first-order temporally extended goals using heuristic search
JA Baier, SA McIlraith
AAAI, 788-795, 2006
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Articles 1–20