Md. Masuduzzaman, Ph.D.
Md. Masuduzzaman, Ph.D.
Other namesMasuduzzaman, Md
Post-doctoral Fellow @ McMaster University, Canada.
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Cited by
Cited by
A blockchain-based artificial intelligence-empowered contagious pandemic situation supervision scheme using internet of drone things
A Islam, T Rahim, MD Masuduzzaman, SOOY Shin
IEEE Wireless Communications 28 (4), 166-173, 2021
Blockchain Based Secured E-voting by Using the Assistance of Smart Contract
K Sadia, M Masuduzzaman, RK Paul, A Islam
IC-BCT 2019, 161-176, 2020
UAV-based MEC-assisted automated traffic management scheme using blockchain
M Masuduzzaman, A Islam, K Sadia, SY Shin
Future Generation Computer Systems 134, 256-270, 2022
Smart board for precision farming using wireless sensor network
MM Maha, S Bhuiyan, M Masuduzzaman
2019 international conference on robotics, electrical and signal processing …, 2019
Bumar: A blockchain-empowered uav-assisted smart surveillance architecture for marine areas
A Islam, K Sadia, M Masuduzzaman, SY Shin
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing Advancements, 1-5, 2020
Mr-block: A blockchain-assisted secure content sharing scheme for multi-user mixed-reality applications in internet of military things
A Islam, M Masuduzzaman, A Akter, SY Shin
2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2020
Uxv-based deep-learning-integrated automated and secure garbage management scheme using blockchain
M Masuduzzaman, T Rahim, A Islam, SY Shin
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (8), 6779-6793, 2022
Blockchain-assisted uav-employed casualty detection scheme in search and rescue mission in the internet of battlefield things
M Masuduzzaman, A Islam, T Rahim, SY Shin
2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology …, 2020
An adaptive medical cyber-physical system for post diagnosis patient care using cloud computing and machine learning approach
MSU Miah, TB Sarwar, SS Islam, MS Haque, M Masuduzzaman, ...
2022 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 1-6, 2022
IoT-based CO2 Gas-level Monitoring and Automated Decision-making System in Smart Factory using UAV-assisted MEC
M Masuduzzaman, R Nugraha, SY Shin
2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications …, 2022
Li-Fi technology: increasing the range of Li-Fi by using mirror
SMT Abid, S Khabir, MA Hasan, A Saha, M Masuduzzaman
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science 11 (1 …, 2019
Intelligent tour planning system using crowd sourced data
MSU Miah, M Masuduzzaman, W Sarkar, HMM Islam, F Porag, S Hossain
International Journal of Education and Management Engineering (IJEME) 8 (1 …, 2018
Industrial intelligence of things (IIoT 2.0) based automated smart factory management system using blockchain
M Masuduzzaman, R Nugraha, SY Shin
2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2022
An effective modification of play fair cipher with performance analysis using 6X6 matrix
MM Maha, M Masuduzzaman, A Bhowmik
Proceedings of the international conference on computing advancements, 1-6, 2020
An automated materials and processes identification tool for material informatics using deep learning approach
MSU Miah, J Sulaiman, TB Sarwar, N Ibrahim, M Masuduzzaman, R Jose
Heliyon 9 (9), 2023
Blockchain-based secure firmware update using an uav
JW Seo, A Islam, M Masuduzzaman, SY Shin
Electronics 12 (10), 2189, 2023
A geofencing-based recent trends identification from twitter data
M Saef Ullah Miah, M Sadid Tahsin, S Azad, G Rabby, M Sirajul Islam, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 769 (1), 012008, 2020
Two phase authentication and VPN-based secured communication for IoT home networks
M Masuduzzaman, A Mahmud, A Islam, MM Islam
Safety, Security, and Reliability of Robotic Systems, 131-140, 2020
UAV-employed intelligent approach to identify injured soldier on blockchain-integrated internet of battlefield things
M Masuduzzaman, T Rahim, A Islam, SY Shin
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024
A Blockchain-Enabled MEC-Assisted CO₂ Emission Reduction Scheme Using Internet of Things
MD Masuduzzaman, A Islam, JW Seo, SY Shin
Journal of the Korean Institute of Communication 45 (11), 2022-2028, 2020
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Articles 1–20