Eva Feillet
Eva Feillet
PhD candidate at CEA list
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An Analysis of Initial Training Strategies for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning
G Petit, M Soumm, E Feillet, A Popescu, B Delezoide, D Picard, C Hudelot
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2024
AdvisIL-A Class-Incremental Learning Advisor
E Feillet, G Petit, A Popescu, M Reyboz, C Hudelot
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2023
Recommendation of data-free class-incremental learning algorithms by simulating future data
E Feillet, A Popescu, C Hudelot
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 315-330, 2025
Apprentissage incrémental sous contrainte mémoire: stratégie de mise à l'échelle de réseaux de neurones
E Feillet, A Popescu, C Hudelot, M Reyboz
Joint CAp&RFIAP 2022, 1-4, 2022
Supplementary material for “An Analysis of Initial Training Strategies for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning”
G Petit, M Soumm, E Feillet, A Popescu, B Delezoide, D Picard, C Hudelot
Supplementary material for “AdvisIL-A Class-Incremental Learning Advisor”
E Feillet, G Petit, A Popescu, M Reyboz, C Hudelot
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