Perceived pleasantness of gentle touch in healthy individuals is related to salivary oxytocin response and EEG markers of arousal GV Portnova, EV Proskurnina, SV Sokolova, IV Skorokhodov, ... Experimental Brain Research 238 (10), 2257-2268, 2020 | 54 | 2020 |
Oscillatory Responses to Tactile Stimuli of Different Intensity A Kuc, I Skorokhodov, A Semirechenko, G Khayrullina, V Maksimenko, ... Sensors 23 (22), 9286, 2023 | 7 | 2023 |
EEG correlates of tactile perception abnormalities in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder GV Portnova, FP Mcglone, OA Tankina, IV Skorokhodov, IL Shpitsberg, ... Современные технологии в медицине 11 (1 (eng)), 169-174, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Characteristics of brain functional networks specific for different types of tactile perception S Kurkin, V Khorev, I Skorokhodov, V Grubov, A Andreev, E Pitsik, ... The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 1-6, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Knismesis: the aversive facet of tickle AA Varlamov, IV Skorokhodov Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 43, 230-235, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Achievements and Challenges of Autism Support System in Russia: A Multidimensional Stakeholder Survey. AA Varlamov, IV Skorokhodov, EY Skorokhodova, IL Shpitsberg European Journal of Contemporary Education 9 (4), 935-947, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Cortical Response Variation with Social and Non-Social Affective Touch Processing in the Glabrous and Hairy Skin of the Leg: A Pilot fMRI Study L Mayorova, G Portnova, I Skorokhodov Sensors 23 (18), 7881, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
The Levels of Auditory Processing during Emotional Perception in Children with Autism GV Portnova, IV Skorokhodov, LA Mayorova Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 22 (5), 112, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Организация системы психолого-медико-педагогической поддержки детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра в условиях Арктики АА Варламов, ИВ Скороходов, АМ Плакхин, ИЛ Шпицберг Аналитический доклад, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Salivary Oxytocin and Antioxidative Response to Robotic Touch in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder GV Portnova, EV Proskurnina, IV Skorokhodov, SV Sokolova, ... International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (15), 12322, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
ЭЭГ-корреляты особенностей восприятия тактильных стимулов у детей с расстройствами аутистического спектра ГВ Портнова, ОА Танькина, ИВ Скороходов, ИЛ Шпицберг, ... Современные технологии в медицине 11 (1), 169-176, 2019 | 3* | 2019 |
Качество медицинских услуг при расстройствах аутистического спектра в оценках потребителей МВ Пискунов, ИВ Скороходов, АА Варламов, ИЛ Шпицберг Российский психиатрический журнал, 10-15, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Sensory Gating and Sensory Facilitation: A Potential Paradigm for Studies of Impairments to Involuntary Attention AA Varlamov, IV Skorokhodov, GV Portnova Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology 51 (4), 458-465, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Особенности вызванных потенциалов ЭЭГ при восприятии быстрых и медленных поглаживаний: ответ распознающей и эмоциональной систем механорецепции АА Варламов, МА Иванова, ИВ Скороходов, АН Семиреченко, ... Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. ИП Павлова 71 (5), 637-648, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
The CT stimulation induced abnormal response in subjects with ASD: EEG study GV Portnova, IV Skorokhodov, AA Varlamov, IL Shpitsberg 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications …, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Development and Initial Validation of the Russian Version of the RAADS-14: A Self-Report Questionnaire to Assess Autistic Traits IV Skorokhodov, KP Radygina, EY Skorokhodova, SP Firsova, ... European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 13 (11 …, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Patients With Better Outcome Have Higher ERP Response to Emotional Auditory Stimuli GV Portnova, VV Podlepich, IV Skorokhodov Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 40 (7), 634-640, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Development and Initial Validation of the Russian Version of the RAADS-14: A Self-Report Questionnaire to Assess Autistic Traits IV Skorokhodov, KP Radygina, EY Skorokhodova, SP Firsova, ... European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 13 (11 …, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Psychometric properties and the factor structure of the Russian version of the RAADS-14: a self-report questionnaire for autism screening IV Skorokhodov, K Vergeles, E Skorokhodova, G Portnova, S Firsova, ... PsyArXiv, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Implementing a Nation-Wide Continuous Support System for People with ASD and Their Relatives in Russia: Current Problems and Perceived Barriers I Shpitsberg, IV Skorokhodov, A Varlamov INSAR 2020 Virtual Meeting, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |