Diego F. Leal
Diego F. Leal
Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Arizona
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Cited by
What is (n’t) a friend? Dimensions of the friendship concept among adolescents
JA Kitts, DF Leal
Social Networks 66, 161-170, 2021
The health benefits of selenium: a review
BM Pecoraro, DF Leal, A Frias-De-Diego, M Browning, J Odle, E Crisci
Journal of animal science and biotechnology 13 (1), 58, 2022
Global dynamics of international migration systems across South–South, North–North, and North–South flows, 1990–2015
DF Leal, NL Harder
Applied Network Science 6, 1-27, 2021
Gender and reproductive labor migration in Asia, 1960–2000
RS Malhotra, J Misra, DF Leal
International Journal of Sociology 46 (2), 114-140, 2016
Network Inequalities and International Migration in the Americas
DF Leal
American Journal of Sociology 126 (5), 1067-1126, 2021
Tanques de pensamiento y partidos politicos en Colombia. El caso de la reformas constitucionales de 2003 y 2009
DF Leal, D Roll
Ciencia Politica 8 (16), 89-112, 2013
Migración, Codesarrollo y Capital Social
D RoLL, DF Leal
Colombia Internacional, 87-108, 2010
Visualizing Feminized International Migration Flows in the 1990s
DF Leal, RS Malhotra, J Misra
Socius 5, 1-3, 2019
Migration networks and the intensity of global migration flows, 1990–2015
DF Leal, NL Harder
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 49 (2), 445-464, 2023
Is having an educationally diverse social network good for health?
MC Pachucki, DF Leal
Network Science 8 (3), 418-444, 2020
Well-being, social capital and international migration. The case of the Latin American and Andean Spain
D Leal
Migraciones. Publicación del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre …, 2014
Greed and fear in network reciprocity: implications for cooperation among organizations
JA Kitts, DF Leal, W Felps, TM Jones, SL Berman
Plos one 11 (2), e0147264, 2016
¿ Cómo surgio la España Latinoamericana y andina en 11 años de migraciones?: Bases para un esquema explicativo desde el bienestar
DF Leal, D Roll
Ciencia Política 5 (9), 35-61, 2010
Mass Transit Shutdowns as a Tactical Innovation in Bogotá, Colombia
DF Leal
Social Currents, 2020
Status and collaboration: The case of pro bono network inequalities in corporate law
DF Leal, A Paik, SA Boutcher
Social Science Research 84, 102325, 2019
Global dynamics of international migration systems across South–South, North–North, and North–South flows, 1990–2015. Applied Network Science. 2021; 6 (1): 1–27
DF Leal, NL Harder
La diáspora latinoamericana a España 1997 2007: Incógnitas y realidades
EJC Roll, D, Robayo, MC, Leal, DF, Serrano, E, Gomez, J
Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2014
Sistematizando evidencias de migración y bienestar
D Roll, DF Leal
La diáspora latinoamericana a España, 79-106, 2007
Three Essays on Network Dynamics and Liminality
DF Leal
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Articles 1–19