Přemysl Pálka
Cited by
Cited by
The effects on purchase intention: The case of fruit juice
N Zaynutdinova, P Pálka
Journal of Competitiveness, 2017
Podnikové finance: Sbírka příkladů
D Pavelková, A Knápková, P Pálka
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2009
The competitiveness and sustainable economic development of Tajikistan regions
A Mashokhida, AA Khabibovich, P Pálka, R Shakhlo
Journal of Competitiveness, 2018
Remastering contemporary enterprise performance management systems
M Blahova, P Palka, P Haghirian
Measuring Business Excellence 21 (3), 250-260, 2017
Major factors affecting contemporary Japanese business environment
M Blahová, P Haghirian, P Pálka
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 64 (3), 416-433, 2015
Comparison shopping agents and Czech online customers’ shopping behaviour
M Pilík, P Klimek, E Jurickova, P Pálka
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge 4 (2), 2016
Podnikové finance: Sbírka příkladů
D Pavelková, A Knápková, P Pálka
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2008
Implementation of IFRS for SMEs and its impact on performance indicators
P Pálka, B Svitáková, D Kubíčková
Finance and the Performance of Firms in Science, Education and Practice 2011, 2011
Contemporary trends in Japanese business environment: A review of existing empirical evidence
M Blahová, P Pálka, M Zelený
Human Systems Management 33 (3), 57-70, 2014
Impact of IFRS for SMEs adoption on performance of Czech companies
P Pálka, B Svitáková
Recent Researches in Economics and Management Transformation: Proceedings of …, 2011
Driving sustainable and competitive transition in enterprise performance management and measurement: The changing role of women in the Japanese labour market
M Blahová, P Haghirian, T Urbánek, P Pálka
Economics and Sociology, 2023
Portfolio performance analysis: a case study of cryptocurrencies
F Aliu, A Nuhiu, P Pálka, M Blahová
International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 1 (3), 286-301, 2020
Application of the customer value concept for measurement and value chain processes management
M Chodúr, P Pálka
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Management Leadership and …, 2010
Performance management in the sphere of public administration
E Pastuszkova, P Palka
Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings 22 (1), 1487-88, 2011
The feasibility of fuzzy sets utilization in quantifying the results of company self-evaluation in accordance with the EFQM excellence model
M Chodúr, P Pálka
Journal of Competitiveness, 2011
Využití reálných opcí pro hodnocení efektivnosti AMT investic
P Pálka
GEORG, 2011
Impact of AMT investments on effectiveness and competitiveness of manufacturing systems
M Chodur, P Palka
Journal of Academic Research in Economics 1 (1 (June)), 62-78, 2009
Value chain of virtual enterprise-possible modern management concepts and value drivers identification
M Januška, P Pálka, D Šulová, M Chodúr
Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th International DAAAM Symposium, 2009
Emerging from the chaos of Management Theory Jungle: a historical analysis of the development of the four principles of management
R Lloyd, D Mertens, P Pálka, S Villegas
Journal of Management History, 2023
Global performance strategies in leading Japanese automotive organisations
M Blahová, P Haghirian, P Pálka, T Urbánek
Journal of International Studies 15 (4), 2022
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Articles 1–20