Lawrence Feick
Lawrence Feick
Professor of Business Administration, University of Pittsburgh
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Cited by
The market maven: A diffuser of marketplace information
LF Feick, LL Price
Journal of marketing 51 (1), 83-97, 1987
The impact of switching costs on the customer satisfaction‐loyalty link: mobile phone service in France
J Lee, J Lee, L Feick
Journal of services marketing 15 (1), 35-48, 2001
Consumer knowledge assessment
CW Park, DL Mothersbaugh, L Feick
Journal of consumer research 21 (1), 71-82, 1994
A penny for your thoughts: Referral reward programs and referral likelihood
G Ryu, L Feick
Journal of marketing 71 (1), 84-94, 2007
Rethinking the origins of involvement and brand commitment: Insights from postsocialist central Europe
RA Coulter, LL Price, L Feick
Journal of consumer research 30 (2), 151-169, 2003
The Role of Interpersonal Sources in External Search: An Informational Perspective
LL Price
Advances in Consumer Research 11, 1984
Enduring involvement: Conceptual and measurement issues.
RA Higie, LF Feick
Advances in consumer research 16 (1), 1989
The effects of preference heterogeneity and source characteristics on ad processing and judgements about endorsers
L Feick, RA Higie
Journal of Advertising 21 (2), 9-24, 1992
Types and amount of word-of-mouth communications about retailers.
RA Higie, LF Feick, LL Price
Journal of retailing, 1987
Everyday market helping behavior
LL Price, LF Feick, A Guskey
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 14 (2), 255-266, 1995
The impact of self-construal on aesthetic preference for angular versus rounded shapes
Y Zhang, L Feick, LJ Price
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32 (6), 794-805, 2006
Couponing behaviors of the market maven: Profile of a super couponer.
LL Price, LF Feick, A Guskey-Federouch
Advances in consumer research 15 (1), 1988
How males and females differ in their likelihood of transmitting negative word of mouth
Y Zhang, L Feick, V Mittal
Journal of Consumer Research 40 (6), 1097-1108, 2014
Receiver responses to rewarded referrals: the motive inferences framework
PWJ Verlegh, G Ryu, MA Tuk, L Feick
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 41, 669-682, 2013
Changing faces: Cosmetics opinion leadership among women in the new Hungary
RA Coulter, LF Feick, LL Price
European Journal of Marketing 36 (11/12), 1287-1308, 2002
Preference heterogeneity and coorientation as determinants of perceived informational influence
LL Price, LF Feick, RA Higie
Journal of Business Research 19 (3), 227-242, 1989
People who use people: The other side of opinion leadership.
LF Fieck, LL Price, RA Higie
Advances in consumer research 13 (1), 1986
Information sensitive consumers and market information
LL Price, LF Feick, RA Higie
Journal of Consumer Affairs 21 (2), 328-341, 1987
Incorporating word-of-mouth effects in estimating customer lifetime value
J Lee, J Lee, L Feick
Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management 14, 29-39, 2006
Search for nutrition information: A probit analysis of the use of different information sources
LF Feick, RO Herrmann, RH Warland
Journal of Consumer Affairs 20 (2), 173-192, 1986
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Articles 1–20