Ryan Jopp
Ryan Jopp
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Developing a framework for regional destination adaptation to climate change
R Jopp, T DeLacy, J Mair
Current Issues in Tourism 13 (6), 591-605, 2010
A case study of a technology enhanced learning initiative that supports authentic assessment
R Jopp
Teaching in Higher Education 25 (8), 942-958, 2020
Using a regional tourism adaptation framework to determine climate change adaptation options for Victoria's Surf Coast
R Jopp, T DeLacy, J Mair, M Fluker
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 18 (1-2), 144-164, 2013
Choose your own assessment–assessment choice for students in online higher education
R Jopp, J Cohen
Teaching in Higher Education 27 (6), 738-755, 2022
Climate change adaptation: Destination management and the green tourist
R Jopp, J Mair, T DeLacy, M Fluker
Tourism Planning & Development 12 (3), 300-320, 2015
Unraveling the power of social media influencers: Qualitative insights into the role of Instagram influencers in the hospitality and tourism industry
T Bastrygina, WM Lim, R Jopp, MA Weissmann
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 58, 214-243, 2024
Tourist segments of eco-cultural destinations
R Jopp, H Kalantari, WM Lim, LLM Wee, AL Lim
Current Issues in Tourism 25 (14), 2253-2268, 2022
The case for scaling authentic learning across undergraduate and postgraduate research skills courses
JI Pallant, JL Pallant, R Jopp
Teaching in Higher Education 29 (6), 1442-1459, 2024
Information source and tourist expenditure: Evidence from Sarawak, Malaysia
HD Kalantari, R Jopp, HF Gholipour, WM Lim, AL Lim, LLM Wee
Current Issues in Tourism 26 (22), 3616-3650, 2023
Environmentally friendly tourists and spending on nature-based activities
HF Gholipour, LWL Min, LA Ling, R Jopp
Journal of Ecotourism 18 (2), 174-180, 2019
Linking climate change, tourist destination adaptation and tourist atttitudes: a case study of the Victorian Surf Coast region
R Jopp
Victoria University, 2012
Climate change adaptation: Destination management and the green tourist. Tourism Planning & Development, 12 (3), 300-320
R Jopp, J Mair, T DeLacy, M Fluker
Towards an understanding of tourist responses to destination adaptation to climate change
R Jopp, T DeLacy, M Fluker, J Mair
CAUTHE 2011 National Conference–Tourism: Creating a brilliant blend …, 2011
Applications of technology in visitor attractions: Revisiting Stipanuk's perspective of the tourism/technology interface
R Jopp, N Fish, T Nankervis
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 67 (2), 202-214, 2019
Why internationalisation of the curriculum matters for management programs
D Rajendran, J Bryant, P Buckley, R Jopp
HERDSA News 36 (1), 10-12, 2014
Using the Delphi approach to determine climate change adaptation strategies for Victorias Surf Coast
R Jopp, T DeLacy, J Mair
Supporting undergraduate management students to develop employability skills
D Rajendran, D Weaver, AS Bell, R Jopp
Swinburne, 2007
Choose your own adventure: understanding why students prefer certain types of assessment
R Jopp, JL Pallant, H Russell
Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 20 (7), 11, 2023
Introducing Assessment-Task Choice in an Online Bachelor Course 1
R Jopp, K Chalmers, S Luxton, J Cohen
Exemplars of Assessment in Higher Education, 95-109, 2021
Melbourne’s love-hate relationship with being Australia’s ‘street art capital’
R Jopp
The Conversation, 2017
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Articles 1–20