Denis Turdakov
Denis Turdakov
The Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
Accuracy estimate and optimization techniques for simrank computation
D Lizorkin, P Velikhov, M Grinev, D Turdakov
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 1 (1), 422-433, 2008
Accuracy estimate and optimization techniques for SimRank computation
D Lizorkin, P Velikhov, M Grinev, D Turdakov
The VLDB Journal 19, 45-66, 2010
Semantic relatedness metric for wikipedia concepts based on link analysis and its application to word sense disambiguation
D Turdakov, P Velikhov
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2008
Анализ социальных сетей: методы и приложения
А Коршунов, И Белобородов, Н Бузун, В Аванесов, Р Пастухов, ...
Труды Института системного программирования РАН 26 (1), 439-456, 2014
Random graph modeling: A survey of the concepts
M Drobyshevskiy, D Turdakov
ACM computing surveys (CSUR) 52 (6), 1-36, 2019
Methods for automatic term recognition in domain-specific text collections: A survey
NA Astrakhantsev, DG Fedorenko, DY Turdakov
Programming and Computer Software 41, 336-349, 2015
Method to build a document semantic model
DY Turdakov, YR Nedumov, AA Sysoev
US Patent 9,201,957, 2015
Automatic recognition of domain-specific terms: an experimental evaluation
D Fedorenko, N Astrakhantsev, D Turdakov
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming 26 (4), 55-72, 2014
Egolp: Fast and distributed community detection in billion-node social networks
N Buzun, A Korshunov, V Avanesov, I Filonenko, I Kozlov, D Turdakov, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop, 533-540, 2014
Word sense disambiguation methods
DY Turdakov
Programming and Computer Software 36, 309-326, 2010
Texterra: A framework for text analysis
DY Turdakov, NA Astrakhantsev, YR Nedumov, AA Sysoev, IA Andrianov, ...
Programming and Computer Software 40, 288-295, 2014
Active learning and crowdsourcing: A survey of optimization methods for data labeling
RA Gilyazev, DY Turdakov
Programming and Computer Software 44, 476-491, 2018
A survey of methods for the extraction of information from Web resources
MI Varlamov, DY Turdakov
Programming and Computer Software 42, 279-291, 2016
Social network analysis: methods and applications
A Korshunov, I Beloborodov, N Buzun, V Avanesov, R Pastukhov, ...
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS (Proceedings …, 2014
Sedna: native XML database management system (internals overview)
I Taranov, I Shcheklein, A Kalinin, L Novak, S Kuznetsov, R Pastukhov, ...
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2010
Определение демографических атрибутов пользователей микроблогов
А Коршунов, И Белобородов, А Гомзин, К Чуприна, Н Астраханцев, ...
Труды Института системного программирования РАН 25, 179-194, 2013
Automatic construction and enrichment of informal ontologies: A survey
NA Astrakhantsev, DY Turdakov
Programming and computer software 39, 34-42, 2013
Distributed generation of billion-node social graphs with overlapping community structure
K Chykhradze, A Korshunov, N Buzun, R Pastukhov, N Kuzyurin, ...
Complex Networks V: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Complex Networks …, 2014
Texterra: инфраструктура для анализа текстов
Д Турдаков, Н Астраханцев, Я Недумов, А Сысоев, И Андрианов, ...
Труды Института системного программирования РАН 26 (1), 421-438, 2014
Методы и программные средства разрешения лексической многозначности терминов на основе сетей документов
ДЮ Турдаков
Автореф. дисс. канд. ф-м. наук. Москва, 2010
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Articles 1–20