Chien-Yi Chang
Chien-Yi Chang
PhD Candidate, Stanford University
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Cited by
Few-shot video classification via temporal alignment
K Cao, J Ji, Z Cao, CY Chang, JC Niebles
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
D3tw: Discriminative differentiable dynamic time warping for weakly supervised action alignment and segmentation
CY Chang, DA Huang, Y Sui, L Fei-Fei, JC Niebles
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Procedure planning in instructional videos
CY Chang, DA Huang, D Xu, E Adeli, L Fei-Fei, JC Niebles
European Conference on Computer Vision, 334-350, 2020
Using machine learning to discover shape descriptors for predicting emulsion stability in a microfluidic channel
JW Khor, N Jean, CY Chang, S Ermon, S Tang
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2019
Exploring network content ecosystem evaluation model based on Chinese judicial discourse of digital platform
L Cheng, M Xu, CY Chang
International Journal of Legal Discourse 8 (2), 199-224, 2023
Optineurin-facilitated axonal mitochondria delivery promotes neuroprotection and axon regeneration
D Liu, HC Webber, F Bian, Y Xu, M Prakash, X Feng, M Yang, H Yang, ...
Nature Communications, 2024
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Articles 1–6