Carlos Romero
Carlos Romero
R&D Engineer
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Cited by
An efficient method based on the electromagnetic time reversal to locate faults in power networks
R Razzaghi, G Lugrin, H Manesh, C Romero, M Paolone, F Rachidi
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 28 (3), 1663-1673, 2013
A system for the measurements of lightning currents at the Säntis Tower
C Romero, M Paolone, M Rubinstein, F Rachidi, A Rubinstein, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 82 (1), 34-43, 2012
Statistical distributions of lightning currents associated with upward negative flashes based on the data collected at the Säntis (EMC) tower in 2010 and 2011
C Romero, F Rachidi, M Paolone, M Rubinstein
IEEE transactions on power delivery 28 (3), 1804-1812, 2013
Positive lightning flashes recorded on the Säntis tower from May 2010 to January 2012
C Romero, F Rachidi, M Rubinstein, M Paolone, VA Rakov, D Pavanello
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (23), 12,879-12,892, 2013
Evaluation of the performance characteristics of the European Lightning Detection Network EUCLID in the Alps region for upward negative flashes using direct measurements at the …
M Azadifar, F Rachidi, M Rubinstein, M Paolone, G Diendorfer, H Pichler, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (2), 595-606, 2016
Application of the cascaded transmission line theory of Paul and McKnight to the evaluation of NEXT and FEXT in twisted wire pair bundles
A Shoory, M Rubinstein, A Rubinstein, C Romero, N Mora, F Rachidi
IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility 55 (4), 648-656, 2013
Measurement of lightning currents using a combination of Rogowski coils and B-Dot sensors
C Romero, A Mediano, A Rubinstein, F Rachidi, M Rubinstein, M Paolone, ...
2010 30th international conference on lightning protection (ICLP), 1-5, 2010
Baja ejecución presupuestaria en inversión pública en los gobiernos municipales de Bolivia
C Romero
Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana. Recuperado de: http://www …, 2015
A new method to locate faults in power networks based on electromagnetic time reversal
HM Manesh, G Lugrin, R Razzaghi, C Romero, M Paolone, F Rachidi
2012 IEEE 13th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in …, 2012
El proceso constituyente boliviano
C Romero
El hito de la cuarta marcha de tierras bajas, 2005
An update on the instrumentation of the Säntis Tower in Switzerland for lightning current measurements and obtained results
M Azadifar, M Paolone, D Pavanello, F Rachidi, C Romero, M Rubinstein
CIGRE international colloquium on lightning and power systems, 2014
El proceso constituyente boliviano. El hito de la cuarta marcha de tierras bajas
C Romero
Santa Cruz: CEJIS, 2005
Giant mesenteric cyst from the small bowel mesentery in a young adult patient
SV Aguirre, M Mercedes Almagro, CA Romero, SS Romero, GA Molina, ...
Journal of surgical case reports 2019 (1), rjz002, 2019
Clinical practice update of antifungal prophylaxis in immunocompromised children
JT Ramos, CA Romero, S Belda, FJ Candel, BC Gallego, ...
Revista Española de Quimioterapia 32 (5), 410, 2019
Instrumentation of the Säntis Tower in Switzerland for lightning current measurements
C Romero, A Rubinstein, M Paolone, F Rachidi, M Rubinstein, ...
International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science & Technology 4 (1), 79-85, 2010
Some characteristics of positive and bipolar lightning flashes recorded on the Säntis tower in 2010 and 2011
C Romero, M Rubinstein, F Rachidi, M Paolone, VA Rakov, D Pavanello
2012 International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), 1-5, 2012
Preliminary comparison of data from the Säntis Tower and the EUCLID lightning location system
C Romero, M Paolone, F Rachidi, M Rubinstein, A Rubinstein, ...
2011 international symposium on lightning protection, 140-145, 2011
Lightning measurement station on Mount Säntis in Switzerland
A Rubinstein, C Romero, M Paolone, F Rachidi, M Rubinstein, ...
X International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), 9-13, 2009
La Ganadería doméstica de los pobladores con Permiso de Ocupación y Pastaje (PPOP) en tierras fiscales del Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi
RM Lauria-Sorge, CA Romero
Administración de Parques Nacionales–Intendencia Parque Nacional Nahuel …, 1999
A statistical analysis on the risetime of lightning current pulses in negative upward flashes measured at Säntis tower
C Romero, M Paolone, F Rachidi, M Rubinstein, D Pavanello, DV Giri
2012 International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), 1-5, 2012
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Articles 1–20