The applying of the concept of individualization in sport IA K Zhanneta, S Irina, B Tatyana, R Olena, L Olena Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 172, 2015 | 136* | 2015 |
Comparative characteristics of psychophysiological indicators in the representatives of cyclic and game sports Z Kozina, K Prusik, K Görner, I Sobko, O Repko, T Bazilyuk, ... Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17 (2), 648, 2017 | 107 | 2017 |
Motor skills formation technique in 6 to 7-year-old children based on their psychological and physical features (rock climbing as an example) Z Kozina, O Repko, S Kozin, A Kostyrko, T Yermakova, V Goncharenko Journal of Physical Education and Sport 16 (3), 866, 2016 | 80 | 2016 |
The influence of a special technique for developing coordination abilities on the level of technical preparedness and development of psycho-physiological functions of young … ZL Kozina, YA Goloborodko, YD Boichuk, IM Sobko, OO Repko, ... Publisher University of Piteşti, Romania, 2018 | 74 | 2018 |
Factorial structure of aerobics athletes’ fitness TV Shepelenko, M Cieślicka, K Prusik, R Muszkieta, IN Sobko, ... Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2017 | 74 | 2017 |
Mathematical basis for the integral development of strength, speed and endurance in sports with complex manifestation of physical qualities ZL Kozina, OO Repko, OM Ionova, YD Boychuk, VA Korobeinik University of Pitesti, Romania-(EUP), 2016 | 72 | 2016 |
Comparative characteristic of correlation between pulse subjective indicators of girl students’ and school girls’ reaction to physical load ZL Kozina, SS Iermakov, LA Kadutskaya, FI Sobyanin, M Krzeminski, ... Physical education of students 20 (4), 24-34, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Algorithm of athletes’ fitness structure individual features’ determination with the help of multidimensional analysis (on example of basketball) ZL Kozina, M Cieslicka, K Prusik, R Muszkieta, IN Sobko, OA Ryepko, ... Physical education of students, 225-238, 2017 | 44 | 2017 |
Application of closed kinematic chain exercises with eccentric and strength exercises for the shoulder injuries prevention in student rock climbers: a randomized controlled trial S Kozin, M Cretu, Z Kozina, A Chernozub, O Ryepko, T Shepelenko, ... Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics 23 (2), 159-168, 2021 | 43 | 2021 |
Factor structure of the integral readiness of aerobics athletes (women) ZL Kozina, ТV Shepelenko, AV Osiptsov, VМ Kostiukevych, OO Repko, ... Publisher University of Piteşti, Romania, 2017 | 31 | 2017 |
Neuro-muscular training for injury prevention of students-rock climbers studying in the specialty" Physical Education and Sports": a randomized study S Kozin, Z Kozina, V Korobeinik, M Cieślicka, R Muszkieta, O Ryepko, ... Journal of Physical Education and Sport 21, 1251-1259, 2021 | 27 | 2021 |
The implementation of the concept of individualization in training elite Female athletes with visual impairment in the sprint ZL Kozina, OI Chebanu, IF Prokopenko, GV Korobeynikov, ... Publisher University of Piteşti, Romania, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Особенности функциональных и скоростно-силовых возможностей элитных альпинистов и представителей различных видов скалолазания ЕА Репко Физическое воспитание студентов, 60-65, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
Рекреационное скалолазание как метод повышения функционального состояния студентов ЕА Репко, ЖЛ Козина, ВР Лещенко, ИВ Гребнева, ЮА Новиков Здоровье, спорт, реабилитация, 86-89, 2016 | 12 | 2016 |
Розвиток швидкісно-силових якостей студентів університетів у процесі занять із скелелазіння.-2014. ОО Рєпко | 12 | 2014 |
Теоретико-методологическое обоснование развития скоростно-силовых качеств в скалолазании ЖЛ Козина, ЕА Репко, К Прусик, Е Прусик, М Цеслицка Физическое воспитание студентов, 27-33, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Обучение двигательным действиям детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста на основе их психологических и физических особенностей (на примере скалолазания) EA Repko, SV Kozin, AA Kostyrko Health, sport, rehabilitation 2 (2), 46-50, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Морфологические особенности элитных спортсменов, специализирующихся в скоростном лазании, лазании на сложность и альпинизме ЕА Репко Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
Influence of injury prevention complex technology on the knowledge level of medical and biological subjects and the injury risk of future specialists in physical education and … Z Kozina, S Kozin, M Bejtka, M Zawadka-Kunikowska, N Yakushko, ... Journal of Physical Education and Sport 22 (4), 870-878, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Structure of a year cycle of athletes training in aerobics (woman) with various psychophysiological and functional features TV Shepelenko, M Cieślicka, K Prusik, R Muszkieta, AV Osiptsov, ... Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2018 | 9 | 2018 |