Frederick Nyakudya  PhD, MBA, BA(Hons), CMBE, FHEA, PGCAPHE
Frederick Nyakudya PhD, MBA, BA(Hons), CMBE, FHEA, PGCAPHE
Senior Lecturer, Staffordshire University
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Cited by
Cited by
Resource endowment and opportunity cost effects along the stages of entrepreneurship
T Mickiewicz, FW Nyakudya, N Theodorakopoulos, M Hart
Small Business Economics 48, 953-976, 2017
Ethnic pluralism, immigration and entrepreneurship
T Mickiewicz, M Hart, F Nyakudya, N Theodorakopoulos
Regional Studies 53 (1), 80-94, 2019
Entrepreneurship, gender gap and developing economies: the case of post-apartheid South Africa
FW Nyakudya, A Simba, M Herrington
Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 30 (4), 293-324, 2018
Positive local externalities of immigration on entrepreneurship: Evidence from the UK East Midlands region
FW Nyakudya
Local Economy 34 (3), 271-293, 2019
The moderating role of individual and social resources in gender effect on entrepreneurial growth aspirations
FW Nyakudya, T Mickiewicz, N Theodorakopoulos
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 30 (6), 1576-1599, 2024
Reversal of Fortune
T Mickiewicz, F Nyakudya, N Theodorakopoulos, M Hart
Opportunity cost and endowment effects along stages of entrepreneurship …, 2014
The opportunity cost and endowment effects of resources and capabilities on stages of entrepreneurship
FW Nyakudya, M Hart, T Mickiewicz, N Theodorakopoulos
The effect of gender and resources on entrepreneurial activity
FW Nyakudya
International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2022
Reversal of Fortune: Opportunity Cost and Endowment Effects Along Stages of Entrepreneurship
T Mickiewicz, F Nyakudya, N Theodorakopoulos, M Hart
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 2014
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Articles 1–9