Wuchen Li 李务晨
Wuchen Li 李务晨
University of South Carolina, Assistant professor
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Cited by
A machine learning framework for solving high-dimensional mean field game and mean field control problems
L Ruthotto, S Osher, W Li, L Nurbekyan, SW Fung
PNAS, 2019
Interacting Langevin Diffusions: Gradient Structure And Ensemble Kalman Sampler
A Garbuno-Inigo, F Hoffmann, W Li, AM Stuart
SIAM journal on applied dynamical system, 2019
APAC-Net: Alternating the population and agent control via two neural networks to solve high-dimensional stochastic mean field games
AT Lin, SW Fung, W Li, L Nurbekyan, SJ Osher
PNAS, 2021
A parallel method for earth mover’s distance
W Li, EK Ryu, S Osher, W Yin, W Gangbo
Journal of Scientific Computing 75 (1), 182-197, 2018
Controlling Propagation of epidemics via mean-field control
W Lee, S Liu, H Tembine, W Li, S Osher
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2020
Transport information geometry: Riemannian calculus on probability simplex
W Li
Information Geometry, 2021
Natural gradient via optimal transport
W Li, G Montufar
Information Geometry, 2018, 2018
Solving large-scale optimization problems with a convergence rate independent of grid size
M Jacobs, F Léger, W Li, S Osher
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 57 (3), 1100-1123, 2019
Unnormalized Optimal Transport
W Gangbo, W Li, S Osher, M Puthawala
Journal of Computational Physics, 2019
Accelerated information gradient flow
Y Wang, W Li
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2019
Entropy dissipation of Fokker-Planck equations on graphs
SN Chow, W Li, H Zhou
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - series A, 2018
Computational methods for first-order nonlocal mean field games with applications
S Liu, M Jacobs, W Li, L Nurbekyan, SJ Osher
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 59 (5), 2639-2668, 2021
Optimal transport natural gradient for statistical manifolds with continuous sample space
Y Chen, W Li
Information Geometry, 2020
Fisher information regularization schemes for Wasserstein gradient flows
W Li, J Lu, L Wang
Journal of Computational Physics, 2019
Wasserstein of Wasserstein loss for learning generative models
Y Dukler, W Li, A Tong Lin, G Montúfar
ICML, Long beach, 2019
A discrete Schrödinger equation via optimal transport on graphs
SN Chow, W Li, H Zhou
Journal of Functional Analysis 276 (8), 2440-2469, 2019
Computations of optimal transport distance with Fisher information regularization
W Li, P Yin, S Osher
Journal of Scientific Computing 75, 1581-1595, 2018
Wasserstein proximal of GANs
AT Lin, W Li, S Osher, G Montúfar
Geometric science of information, 2021, 2021
Vector and matrix optimal mass transport: theory, algorithm, and applications
EK Ryu, Y Chen, W Li, S Osher
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (5), A3675-A3698, 2018
Multilevel optimal transport: A fast approximation of Wasserstein-1 distances
J Liu, W Yin, W Li, YT Chow
SIAM journal on Scientific computing, 2018
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Articles 1–20