Dr Jason Pallant
Dr Jason Pallant
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Cited by
Generative AI and the future of education: Ragnarök or reformation? A paradoxical perspective from management educators
WM Lim, A Gunasekara, JL Pallant, JI Pallant, E Pechenkina
The international journal of management education 21 (2), 100790, 2023
Segmenting multichannel consumers across search, purchase and after-sales
S Sands, C Ferraro, C Campbell, J Pallant
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 33, 62-71, 2016
Exploring the impact of chatbots on consumer sentiment and expectations in retail
AD Tran, JI Pallant, LW Johnson
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 63, 102718, 2021
Tweeting with the stars: Automated text analysis of the effect of celebrity social media communications on consumer word of mouth
T Aleti, JI Pallant, A Tuan, T Van Laer
Journal of Interactive Marketing 48 (1), 17-32, 2019
Augmented reality and the customer journey: An exploratory study
B Romano, S Sands, JI Pallant
Australasian Marketing Journal 29 (4), 354-363, 2021
A randomised controlled trial: outcomes of bladder rehabilitation in persons with multiple sclerosis
F Khan, JF Pallant, JI Pallant, C Brand, TJ Kilpatrick
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 81 (9), 1033-1038, 2010
When and how consumers are willing to exchange data with retailers: An exploratory segmentation
JI Pallant, JL Pallant, SJ Sands, CR Ferraro, E Afifi
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 64, 102774, 2022
An empirical analysis of factors that influence retail website visit types
JI Pallant, PJ Danaher, SJ Sands, TS Danaher
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 39, 62-70, 2017
Consumer cross-channel behaviour: is it always planned?
I Maggioni, SJ Sands, CR Ferraro, JI Pallant, JL Pallant, L Shedd, D Tojib
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 48 (12), 1357-1375, 2020
Virtual shopping: Segmenting consumer attitudes towards augmented reality as a shopping tool
B Romano, S Sands, JI Pallant
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 50 (10), 1221-1237, 2022
Helpful or harmful? Exploring the impact of social media usage on intimate relationships
N Whiteside, T Aleti, J Pallant, J Zeleznikow
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 22, 2018
The evolving direct‐to‐consumer retail model: A review and research agenda
S McKee, S Sands, JI Pallant, J Cohen
International Journal of Consumer Studies 47 (6), 2816-2842, 2023
Not so trustless after all: Trust in Web3 technology and opportunities for brands
C Ferraro, MA Wheeler, JI Pallant, SG Wilson, J Oldmeadow
Business Horizons 66 (5), 667-678, 2023
The financial vulnerability trap: using latent transition analysis to explore the dynamics of consumers’ financial vulnerability over time
A Hoffmann, S McNair, J Pallant
European Journal of Marketing 55 (6), 1569-1593, 2021
The case for scaling authentic learning across undergraduate and postgraduate research skills courses
JI Pallant, JL Pallant, R Jopp
Teaching in Higher Education 29 (6), 1442-1459, 2024
Augmented reality and the customer journey: An exploratory study. Australasian Marketing Journal, 29 (4), 354–363
B Romano, S Sands, JI Pallant
(Re) Focussing on behavioural change: an examination of the utility of hidden Markov modelling
P David, S Rundle-Thiele, JI Pallant
Journal of Social Marketing 9 (2), 130-145, 2019
Self-selection and purchase value of research shoppers
JI Pallant, SJ Sands, CR Ferraro, JL Pallant
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 48 (8), 845-863, 2020
Familiarity breeds contempt? What the Australian Defence Force thinks of its coverage in the Australian media, and why
K Foster, J Pallant
Media International Australia 148 (1), 22-38, 2013
Who doesn’t like sport? A taxonomy of non-fans
H McDonald, J Pallant, DC Funk, T Kunkel
Sport Management Review 27 (1), 67-89, 2024
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Articles 1–20