Vishal Gupta
Cited by
Cited by
Quantifying influenza vaccine efficacy and antigenic distance
V Gupta, DJ Earl, MW Deem
Vaccine 24 (18), 3881-3888, 2006
Effect of vehicle front end profiles leading to pedestrian secondary head impact to ground
V Gupta, KH Yang
SAE Technical Paper, 2013
Length, protein–protein interactions, and complexity
T Tan, D Frenkel, V Gupta, MW Deem
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 350 (1), 52-62, 2005
Effect of boot compliance in numerical model of Hybrid III in vertical loading
A Kalra, K Somasundram, M Shen, V Gupta, CC Chou, F Zhu
SAE Technical Paper, 2016
Pedestrian safety: an overview of physical test surrogates, numerical models and availability of cadaveric data for model validation
KHY A Kalra, V Gupta, M Shen, X Jin, CC Chou
International journal of vehicle safety, 39-71, 2016
Pedestrian head protection during car to pedestrian accidents: In the event of primary impact with vehicle and secondary impact with ground
V Gupta
Wayne State University, 2014
Passivity and dissipativity of a system and its approximation
M Xia, P Antsaklis, V Gupta
ISIS technical report, 2012
Safety during transient response in direct current microgrids using control barrier functions
KC Kosaraju, S Sivaranjani, V Gupta
IEEE Control Systems Letters 6, 337-342, 2021
Passivity and dissipativity of a nonlinear system and its linearization
M Xia, PJ Antsaklis, V Gupta, MJ McCourt
ISIS 12, 008, 2012
Effect of Vehicle Front End Profile on Pedestrian Kinematics and Biomechanical Responses Using a Validated Numerical Model
KHY V Gupta, A Kalra, M Shen, CC Chou
ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition …, 2015
Reliable decentralized stabilization via extended linear matrix inequalities and constrained dissipativity
GK Befekadu, V Gupta, PJ Antsaklis
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 24 (16), 2179-2193, 2014
Passivity based supervisory control
S Sajja, V Gupta, PJ Antsaklis
ISIS, 005, 2014
State estimation of multiple plants over a shared communication network
M Xia, V Gupta, PJ Antsaklis
ISIS 13, 001, 2013
P Derler, EA Lee, AS Vincentelli, J Sztipanovits, X Koutsoukos, G Karsai, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (1), 2012
The role of social networks in diffusing innovation within organisations
V Gupta, S Agarkhedkar, S Sahney
International Journal of Innovation and Learning 18 (2), 185-197, 2015
Passivity and Dissipativity Analysis of a System and its Approximation
M Xia, PJ Antsaklis, V Gupta, F Zhu
ISIS, 007, 2012
Effect of hood periphery shape parameters and hood-fender interface characteristics on pedestrian head injury criterion
V Gupta, KH Yang
International journal of vehicle safety 8 (3), 233-250, 2015
A numerical simulation and validation to study the effect of vehicle front end profiles leading to pedestrian head injuries
AK King H Yang, Vishal Gupta
ICRASH, International Crashworthiness Conference, 2014
Reliable decentralized stabilization via extended LMIs and constrained dissipativity
GK Befekadu, V Gupta, PJ Antsaklis
Importance of SPECT imaging in the assessment of tumour viability: Evaluation of an indegenous preparation of 99mTc-glucarate
PS Choudhurya, E Saviob, KK Solankic, A Guptaa, D Dovala, T Katariaa, ...
and Molecular Nuclear Medicine (IPET 2007), 130, 2007
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Articles 1–20