AA Anosov
AA Anosov
заведующий кафедрой, Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова
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Soft perforation of planar bilayer lipid membranes of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine at the temperature of the phase transition from the liquid crystalline to the gel state
VF Antonov, AA Anosov, VP Norik, EY Smirnova
European Biophysics Journal 34, 155-162, 2005
Electrical capacitance of lipid bilayer membranes of hydrogenated egg lecithin at the temperature phase transition
VF Antonov, AA Anosov, VP Norik, EA Korepanova, EY Smirnova
European Biophysics Journal 32, 55-59, 2003
Experimental reconstruction of temperature distribution at a depth through thermal acoustic radiation
VI Passechnik, AA Anosov, MG Isrefilov, AV Erofeev
Ultrasonics 37 (1), 63-66, 1999
Passive estimation of internal temperatures making use of broadband ultrasound radiated by the body
AA Anosov, AS Kazansky, PV Subochev, AD Mansfel'd, VV Klinshov
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (4), 1667-1674, 2015
Fundamentals and prospects of passive thermoacoustic tomography
VI Passechnik, AA Anosov, KM Bograchev
Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering 28 (3&4), 2000
The effects of SDS at subsolubilizing concentrations on the planar lipid bilayer permeability: Two kinds of current fluctuations
AA Anosov, EY Smirnova, EA Korepanova, IM Shogenov
Chemistry and physics of lipids 218, 10-15, 2019
Determination of the dynamics of temperature variation in a model object by acoustic thermography
AA Anosov, RV Belyaev, VA Vilkov, AS Kazanskiĭ, AD Mansfel’d, ...
Acoustical Physics 54, 464-468, 2008
Acousto-thermometric recovery of the deep temperature profile using heat conduction equations
AA Anosov, RV Belyaev, VA Vilkov, MV Dvornikova, VV Dvornikova, ...
Acoustical Physics 58, 542-548, 2012
Passive thermoacoustic tomography of a human hand
AA Anosov, KM Bograchev, VI Pasechnik
Acoustical Physics 44 (6), 629-634, 1998
Physical and computer-based modeling in internal temperature reconstruction by the method of passive acoustic thermometry
AA Anosov, PV Subochev, AD Mansfeld, AA Sharakshane
Ultrasonics 82, 336-344, 2018
Acoustic thermometric data on blood flow and thermal output in forearm under physical pressure
AA Anosov, RV Belyaev, VA Vilkov, AS Kazanskii, NA Kuryatnikova, ...
Acoustical Physics 59, 482-487, 2013
Dynamic acoustothermography
AA Anosov, RV Belyaev, VA Vilkov, AS Kazanskii, AD Mansfel’d, ...
Acoustical Physics 55, 454-462, 2009
Measurement of the correlation properties of thermal acoustic radiation
AA Anosov, MA Antonov, VI Pasechnik
Acoustical Physics 46 (1), 21-26, 2000
PEG blocking of single pores arising on phase transitions in unmodified lipid bilayers
VF Antonov, EY Smirnova, AA Anosov, VP Norik, OY Nemchenko
Biophysics 53, 390-395, 2008
Reconstruction of the in-depth temperature distribution for biological objects by linear phased arrays
AA Anosov, LR Gavrilov
Acoustical Physics 51 (4), 376-384, 2005
Acoustothermometric study of the human hand under hyperthrmia and hypothermia
AA Anosov, RV Belyaev, VA Vilkov, MV Dvornikova, VV Dvornikova, ...
Acoustical Physics 59, 103-108, 2013
Reconstruction of a two-dimensional distribution of the internal temperature of a model object by passive thermoacoustic tomography
AA Anosov, VI Pasechnik, MG Isrefilov
Acoustical Physics 45 (1), 14-18, 1999
Correlation reception of thermal acoustic radiation
AA Anosov, YN Barabanenkov, AG Sel’skii
Acoustical Physics 49, 615-619, 2003
The Principals and Perspectives of Passive Thermoacoustical Tomography
VI Pasechnik, AA Anosov, KM Bograchev
Electromagnetic Waves Radiation and Living Beings N 2, 3-26, 1999
Increase in the current variance in bilayer lipid membranes near phase transition as a result of the occurrence of hydrophobic defects
AA Anosov, EY Smirnova, AA Sharakshane, EA Nikolayeva, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1862 (2), 183147, 2020
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