Alexander Danilov
Alexander Danilov
Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене dodo.inm.ras.ru
A monotone nonlinear finite volume method for diffusion equations on conformal polyhedral meshes
AA Danilov, YV Vassilevski
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 24 (3), 207-227, 2009
Methods of graph network reconstruction in personalized medicine
A Danilov, Y Ivanov, R Pryamonosov, Y Vassilevski
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 32 (8 …, 2016
Personalized Computational Hemodynamics: Models, Methods, and Applications for Vascular Surgery and Antitumor Therapy
Y Vassilevski, M Olshanskii, S Simakov, A Kolobov, A Danilov
Academic Press, 2020
Virtual blunt injury of human thorax: age-dependent response of vascular system
KA Beklemysheva, AA Danilov, IB Petrov, VY Salamatova, YV Vassilevski, ...
Russian Journal Of Numerical Analysis And Mathematical Modelling 30 (5), 259-268, 2015
Unstructured tetrahedral mesh generation technology
AA Danilov
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 50, 139-156, 2010
Patient-specific anatomical models in human physiology
YV Vassilevski, AA Danilov, SS Simakov, TM Gamilov, YA Ivanov, ...
Russian journal of numerical analysis and mathematical modelling 30 (3), 185-201, 2015
Modelling of bioimpedance measurements: unstructured mesh application to real human anatomy
AA Danilov, DV Nikolaev, SG Rudnev, VY Salamatova, YV Vassilevski
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 27 (5), 431-440, 2012
Sensitivity field distributions for segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis based on real human anatomy
AA Danilov, VK Kramarenko, DV Nikolaev, SG Rudnev, VY Salamatova, ...
Journal of physics: conference Series 434 (1), 012001, 2013
Istoriia Rossii, 1945–2008: 11 klass. Uchebnik dlia uchashchikhsia obshcheobrazovatelnykh uchrezhdenii [A History of Russia, 1945–2008: Grade 11. Textbook for Pre-Graduate …
AA Danilov, AI Utkin, AV Filippov
Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 2008
Parallel software platform INMOST: a framework for numerical modeling
AA Danilov, KM Terekhov, IN Konshin, YV Vassilevski
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations 2 (4), 55-66, 2015
Reaction-diffusion modelling of interferon distribution in secondary lymphoid organs
G Bocharov, A Danilov, Y Vassilevski, GI Marchuk, VA Chereshnev, ...
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 6 (7), 13-26, 2011
Advanced numerical instruments 3D
K Lipnikov, Y Vassilevski, A Danilov
URL: https://sourceforge. net/projects/ani2d (accessed on 06. 12. 2021), 2007
A finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations in moving domain with application to hemodynamics of the left ventricle
A Danilov, A Lozovskiy, M Olshanskii, Y Vassilevski
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 32 (4), 225-236, 2017
Image segmentation for cardiovascular biomedical applications at different scales
A Danilov, R Pryamonosov, A Yurova
Computation 4 (3), 35, 2016
Istoriia Rossii 1900–1945 gg.: Kniga dlia uchitel’ia
AA Danilov, AV Filippov
Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 2009
Personalized model adaptation for bioimpedance measurements optimization
AA Danilov, VK Kramarenko, DV Nikolaev, AS Yurova
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 28 (5), 459-470, 2013
Numerical assessment of coaptation for auto-pericardium based aortic valve cusps
VY Salamatova, AA Liogky, PA Karavaikin, AA Danilov, PY Kopylov, ...
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 34 (5), 277-287, 2019
Mesh generation and computational modeling techniques for bioimpedance measurements: an example using the VHP data
AA Danilov, VY Salamatova, YV Vassilevski
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 407 (1), 012004, 2012
Personalized anatomical meshing of the human body with applications
Y Vassilevski, A Danilov, Y Ivanov, S Simakov, T Gamilov
Modeling the heart and the circulatory system, 221-236, 2015
Osveshchenie obshchei istorii Rossii i narodov postsovetskikh stran v shkol’nykh uchebnikakh istorii novykh nezavisimykh gosudarstv [Coverage of the general history of Russia …
AA Danilov, AV Philippov
Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi Klub Publ, 2009
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