Pablo Suárez-Serrato
Pablo Suárez-Serrato
Professor of Mathematics, Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM
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Cited by
On the influence of social bots in online protests: preliminary findings of a Mexican case study
P Suárez-Serrato, ME Roberts, C Davis, F Menczer
Social Informatics: 8th International Conference, SocInfo 2016, Bellevue, WA …, 2016
Non-backtracking cycles: length spectrum theory and graph mining applications
L Torres, P Suárez-Serrato, T Eliassi-Rad
Applied Network Science 4 (1), 1-35, 2019
Socialbots supporting human rights
E Velázquez, M Yazdani, P Suárez-Serrato
AIES '18 Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and …, 2018
Conformal entropy rigidity through Yamabe flows
P Suárez-Serrato, S Tapie
Mathematische Annalen 353, 333-357, 2012
Minimal entropy and geometric decompositions in dimension four
P Suárez-Serrato
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 9 (1), 365-395, 2009
On higher graph manifolds
C Connell, P Suárez-Serrato
International Mathematics Research Notices 2019 (5, March 2019,), 1281–1311, 2019
Poisson structures on smooth four-manifolds
LC García-Naranjo, P Suárez-Serrato, R Vera
Letters in Mathematical Physics 105 (11), 1533-1550, 2015
Maximal volume entropy rigidity for spaces
C Connell, X Dai, J Núñez-Zimbrón, R Perales, P Suárez-Serrato, G Wei
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 104 (4), 1615-1681, 2021
On Bott-Morse Foliations and their Poisson Structures in Dimension Three
M Evangelista-Alvarado, P Suárez-Serrato, JT OROZCO, R Vera
Journal of Singularities 19, 19-33, 2019
Poisson structures on wrinkled fibrations
P Suárez-Serrato, J Torres Orozco
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana 22, 263-280, 2016
On computational Poisson geometry I: Symbolic foundations
MA Evangelista-Alvarado, JC Ruíz-Pantaleón, P Suárez-Serrato
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 13 (4), 607-628, 2021
Socialbots whitewashing contested elections; a case study from Honduras
E Gallagher, P Suárez-Serrato, EIV Richards
Third International Congress on Information and Communication Technology …, 2019
Topological rigidity of higher graph manifolds
N Bárcenas, D Juan-Pineda, P Suárez-Serrato
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana 23, 119-127, 2017
An essential relation between Einstein metrics, volume entropy, and exotic smooth structures
M Brunnbauer, M Ishida, P Suárez-Serrato
Mathematical Research Letters 16 (3), 503 – 514, 2009
Volume entropy and rigidity for RCD-spaces
C Connell, X Dai, J Núñez-Zimbrón, R Perales, P Suárez-Serrato, G Wei
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.04327, 2024
On computational Poisson geometry II: Numerical methods
M Evangelista-Alvarado, JC Ruíz-Pantaleón, P Suárez-Serrato
Journal of Computational Dynamics 8 (3), 273-307, 2021
Poisson and near-symplectic structures on generalized wrinkled fibrations in dimension 6
P Suárez-Serrato, JT Orozco, R Vera
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 2019
A note on the volume flux group of four-manifolds
J Petean, P Suárez-Serrato
Topology and its Applications 157 (5), 870-873, 2010
Perelman's invariant and collapse via geometric characteristic splittings
P Suárez-Serrato
Geometriae Dedicata 147 (1), 149-157, 2010
Collapsing and group growth as obstructions to Einstein metrics on some smooth 4-manifolds
H Contreras Peruyero, P Suárez-Serrato
New York Journal of Mathematics 28, 659–671, 2022
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Articles 1–20