Prayag Tiwari
Cited by
Cited by
Internet of Things is a revolutionary approach for future technology enhancement: a review
S Kumar, P Tiwari, M Zymbler
Journal of Big data 6 (1), 1-21, 2019
A novel transfer learning based approach for pneumonia detection in chest X-ray images
V Chouhan, SK Singh, A Khamparia, D Gupta, P Tiwari, C Moreira, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (2), 559, 2020
Identifying pneumonia in chest X-rays: A deep learning approach
AK Jaiswal, P Tiwari, S Kumar, D Gupta, A Khanna, JJPC Rodrigues
Measurement 145, 511-518, 2019
Brain MRI image classification for cancer detection using deep wavelet autoencoder-based deep neural network
PK Mallick, SH Ryu, SK Satapathy, S Mishra, GN Nguyen, P Tiwari
IEEE Access 7, 46278-46287, 2019
Sound classification using convolutional neural network and tensor deep stacking network
A Khamparia, D Gupta, NG Nguyen, A Khanna, B Pandey, P Tiwari
IEEE Access 7, 7717-7727, 2019
Mentalbert: Publicly available pretrained language models for mental healthcare
S Ji, T Zhang, L Ansari, J Fu, P Tiwari, E Cambria
LREC, 2022
EEG based emotion recognition: A tutorial and review
X Li, Y Zhang, P Tiwari, D Song, B Hu, M Yang, Z Zhao, N Kumar, ...
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (4), 1-57, 2022
Multimodal medical image fusion algorithm in the era of big data
W Tan, P Tiwari, HM Pandey, C Moreira, AK Jaiswal
Neural computing and applications, 1-21, 2020
Federated learning-based AI approaches in smart healthcare: concepts, taxonomies, challenges and open issues
A Rahman, MS Hossain, G Muhammad, D Kundu, T Debnath, M Rahman, ...
Cluster computing 26 (4), 2271-2311, 2022
Pre-trained language models in biomedical domain: A systematic survey
B Wang, Q Xie, J Pei, Z Chen, P Tiwari, Z Li, J Fu
ACM Computing Surveys, 2023
Detection of subtype blood cells using deep learning
P Tiwari, J Qian, Q Li, B Wang, D Gupta, A Khanna, JJPC Rodrigues, ...
Cognitive Systems Research 52, 1036-1044, 2018
Deep learning for depression recognition with audiovisual cues: A review
L He, M Niu, P Tiwari, P Marttinen, R Su, J Jiang, C Guo, H Wang, S Ding, ...
Information Fusion 80, 56-86, 2022
Federated-Learning Based Privacy Preservation and Fraud-Enabled Blockchain IoMT System for Healthcare
A Lakhan, MA Mohammed, J Nedoma, R Martinek, P Tiwari, A Vidyarthi, ...
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022
Covid-transformer: Interpretable covid-19 detection using vision transformer for healthcare
D Shome, T Kar, SN Mohanty, P Tiwari, K Muhammad, A AlTameem, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (21), 11086, 2021
Federated learning for secure IoMT-applications in smart healthcare systems: A comprehensive review
S Rani, A Kataria, S Kumar, P Tiwari
Knowledge-based systems 274, 110658, 2023
A smart ontology-based IoT framework for remote patient monitoring
N Sharma, M Mangla, SN Mohanty, D Gupta, P Tiwari, M Shorfuzzaman, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 68, 102717, 2021
Fuzzy logic hybrid model with semantic filtering approach for pseudo relevance feedback-based query expansion
J Singh, M Prasad, YA Daraghmi, P Tiwari, P Yadav, N Bharill, M Pratama, ...
2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-7, 2018
ANN based short-term traffic flow forecasting in undivided two lane highway
B Sharma, S Kumar, P Tiwari, P Yadav, MI Nezhurina
Journal of Big Data 5 (1), 48, 2018
Towards a blockchain-SDN-based secure architecture for cloud computing in smart industrial IoT
A Rahman, MJ Islam, SS Band, G Muhammad, K Hasan, P Tiwari
Digital Communications and Networks 9 (2), 411-421, 2022
A sustainable IoHT based computationally intelligent healthcare monitoring system for lung cancer risk detection
S Mishra, HK Thakkar, PK Mallick, P Tiwari, A Alamri
Sustainable Cities and Society 72, 103079, 2021
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Articles 1–20